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SLU Water Forum

There are 102 pages tagged with SLU Water Forum:

SLU testar trålkamera – för att minska fiskfångsten

By installing a stereo video camera in the trawl, researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences want to reduce the need for trawling in acoustic fish surveys. The technology is now

Brendan McKie – new Professor of Freshwater Ecology

How much impact from human activities can a freshwater ecosystem absorb before species disappear and key ecosystem services are threatened? And how does biodiversity loss interact with other

The future of seafood - how to build sustainable aquaculture

The future of seafood - how to build sustainable aquaculture aquaculture@slu.se Farmed fish, shellfish and algae have incredible potential for our future food supply. How can we increase our

New funding call from SLU Aquaculture

SLU Aquaculture has recently announced a new funding call for research to stimulate cross-faculty and university collaborations and strengthen aquaculture research at SLU. Grants can be given up to a

Workshop with The Baltic Sea Nitrogen Cycle Network (BSNCN)

vattenmiljo-webb@slu.se Welcome to our workshop that aims to increase the participants' knowledge and network about the nitrogen cycle in the Baltic Sea. About the project Rapid climate and

Seasonal Variations in Pollution in Swedish Watercourses

A new study conducted by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), commissioned by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (HaV), has examined 34 Swedish watercourses to map

Akut läge för hajar och rockor – ny global rapport visar vägen framåt

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has released a global report, Global Status of Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras, that highlights new knowledge compiled by 353 experts from 115

Ekosystembaserad förvaltning nyckeln till en friskare Östersjö

Every four years, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) publishes an updated ecosystem overview for the Baltic Sea ecoregion. The latest version has now been published and

Science in the crossfire: Expert opinions on public issues amidst diverging views

Science in the crossfire: Challenges in providing science-based advice aquaculture@slu.se Welcome to our seminar, where we will delve into some challenges researchers may face when providing

Hallå där Oscar - masterstudent på Sötvattenslaboratoriet och som just nu undersöker vitaminbrist hos lax

Hello there Oscar Juvall - a master student at the Institute of Freshwater Research who is currently investigating vitamin deficiency in salmon. Can you tell us more about vitamin deficiency in

SLU-forskare undersöker hur klimatet påverkar tillgången till näringsrik havsmat i sårbara regioner

How will climate change effect people's access to nutritious food from the ocean, especially those living in coastal areas and in small island nations? A research group from the Swedish University of

One Health Day 2024

One Health Day 2024 futureonehealth@slu.se One World, One Health – On October 15, SLU Future One Health will host One Health Day for the second time. We will present a selection of One Health
