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There are 36 pages tagged with Partnership Alnarp:

The Goods and Bads of Green Marketing in Food Systems

The Goods and Bads of Green Marketing in Food Systems futurefood@slu.se How are terms like "organic,” “local,” and “eco-friendly” communicated and understood differently? When can green marketing

She wants to protect wheat from a forgotten enemy

Wheat is one of the world's most important food staples, but with climate change, threats to the crop are increasing. The fungal disease stem rust can quickly turn entire wheat fields into rotting

Ämnesgruppsträff SLU Partnerskap Alnarp 2024(2)

Thematic group meeting - SLU Partnership Alnarp johanna.grundstrom@slu.se SLU Partnership Alnarp's network for members , students and researchers at SLU in Alnarp gathers to exchange knowledge and

Dr. Anna María Pálsdóttir

anna.maria.palsdottir@slu.se Docent i landskapsarkitektur med inriktning i miljöpsykologi Universitetslektor i naturbaserade och naturunderstödda interventioner. In my work as a researcher in

A Helping Gene for Healthier Plants

Researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) have discovered a new gene that controls plants' sensitivity to threats like fungi and drought. By removing this gene, plants

Sista ansökningsdag för nya projekt

Call for partnership projects johanna.grundstrom@slu.se The deadline for submitting your project application to SLU Partnership Alnarp for the autumn call is 22 October. Apply for funding for

Excursion to Freiburg, Germany

henrik.j.persson@slu.se Join Future Forests’ excursion to Germany for an inspirational knowledge exchange about challenges and opportunities in forestry. What will happen when the weather becomes

Thesis Day 2024 Alnarp

thesisday@slu.se On 31 May, students are presenting their thesis in Alnarp to fellow students, friends, family, SLU's staff and alumni. Thesis Day consists of a poster exhibit, oral presentations,

Malin Hultberg

malin.hultberg@slu.se Malin Hultberg (Assoc. Prof) is an applied microbiologist working at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden. She has been involved in research,


Agribuild Conference: Industrialised, Renewable, Sustainable Building Materials from Agriculture and the Countryside johanna.grundstrom@slu.e The aim of the conference is to provide an up-to-date

Sverige nyckelaktör i europeiskt vinprojekt

Climate change, disease and price increases in plant protection are some of the challenges wine producers will face in the future. Researchers now want to equip growers for a warmer and drier climate

Ämnesgruppsträff SLU Partnerskap Alnarp 2024

Thematic group meeting - SLU Partnership Alnarp johanna.grundstrom@slu.se SLU Partnership Alnarp's network for members , students and researchers at SLU in Alnarp gathers to exchange knowledge and
