Environmental monitoring and assessment news
Here we present news items about environmental monitoring and assessment, a special mission within SLU.
Nytt steg mot hållbart skydd av Östersjön med PROTECT BALTIC
Recently the first annual meeting for the transboundary Horizon EU project “PROTECT BALTIC” took place in Helsinki, Finland. The project is coordinated by HELCOM and has 17 partner organisations,
dam disaster
The explosion of the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine is a humanitarian, economic and ecological disaster. But out of the devastation grows what could be a world-unique natural area. Now scientists tell us
Fler åtgärder behövs för att skydda ålen i svenska inlandsvatten
The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences has published an updated assessment of the status of the European eel in Swedish waters. While the overall human impacts on eel in Swedish coastal
SLU och Sportfiskarna i nytt samarbete - Storfiskregistret blir forskningsresurs
Through a new collaboration with the Swedish Anglers' Association (Sportfiskarna), the Department of Aquatic Resources at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences has gained access to
Congratulations Svea
After a long-planned month at the shipyard in Falkenberg, R/V Svea is now out on an expedition again; newly painted, newly serviced and upgraded with new scientific equipment and an improved IT
SLU på första plats i internationell utmaning
On 2 May, the Biodiversity Challenge 2024 kicked off, a collaboration between 19 agricultural and life science universities in 16 European countries. From 2 May to 28 June, the challenge was to find
Swedish NFI book launched at IUFRO
During the IUFRO World conference, SLU launched an abbreviated English version of the book about Swedish forests over the last century. The book describes the history of the Swedish National Forest
Planned call for EMA development funds
SLU opens a call for development projects within the twelve environmental monitoring and assessment (EMA) programmes for 2025. The last day for applications is 22 September 2024. The call is
Forskare på SLU kommenterar ICES råd för fisket i Östersjön
On 31 May, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) published its scientific advice for next year's fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea. The Council recommends a continued
SLU testar trålkamera – för att minska fiskfångsten
By installing a stereo video camera in the trawl, researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences want to reduce the need for trawling in acoustic fish surveys. The technology is now
International symposium at Alnarp about managing public spaces
June 3–5, the subject group Landscape governance and management at SLU organizes an international symposium on management of the public spaces, which is aimed at researchers as well as practitioners.
Fler men mindre kräftor i Vättern och Hjälmaren
The number of signal crayfish is increasing in Sweden's largest lakes: Lake Vänern, Lake Vättern, Lake Hjälmaren and Lake Mälaren. But in several of the lakes, the proportion of small crayfish is