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There are 463 pages tagged with SLU Global:

AgriFoSe2030 Nairobi

To wrap-up the second phase and share valuable knowledge between countries, projects and people, the AgriFoSe2030 programme gathered more than 60 participants from a range of different parts of the

Agrifose2030: Extension article

A decade ago Kenya embarked on the path of devolution, a transformative move to enhance service delivery and foster self-governance by shifting governmental functions to the county level. This

SLU YI: Nominated GYI

After three inspiring and interesting roundtable discussions, one high school student from each campus has now been nominated and invited to participate in the Global Youth Institute in Des Moines,

Funding Day - Uppsala

Funding Day, Ultuna anna.lehrman@slu.se Immerse yourself in a day dedicated to funding your research and innovation pursuits through valuable insights, expert guidance, and lively discussions.

Funding Day - Umeå

Funding Day, Umeå anna.lehrman@slu.se Immerse yourself in a day dedicated to funding your research and innovation pursuits through valuable insights, expert guidance, and lively discussions.

Funding Day - Alnarp

Funding Day, Alnarp anna.lehrman@slu.se Immerse yourself in a day dedicated to funding your research and innovation pursuits through valuable insights, expert guidance, and lively discussions.

EMA at IUFRO 2024

Facts and open data for sustainable, thriving forests fomaredaktion@slu.se Meet SLU’s specialists in Environmental monitoring and assessment in the SLU booth at IUFRO. Talk to us about open data,

Climate Conversation for SLU employees and students

How can we produce food throughout Sweden in the shadow of climate change? futurefood@slu.se We welcome researchers, other staff and students at SLU to this internal webinar within SLU's series of

25 years of research shows: How to restore damaged rainforest

For the first time, results from 25 years of work to rehabilitate fire-damaged and heavily logged rainforest are now being presented. The study fills a knowledge gap about the long-term effects of

Annrose Mwangi

annrose.mwangi@slu.se I am a PhD student in soil science under the Restore4More project. My PhD project aims to improve understanding of the plant-soil-water nexus in the rangelands of East Africa

Global mingle - shared science, bright solutions

catherine.kihlstrom@slu.se SLU Global invites you to the session 'Global mingle - shared science, bright solutions' at IUFRO 2024 in Stockholm. Photo: Aida Bargues Tobella The session will run as

13th One Health Sweden Scientific Meeting

13th One Health Sweden Scientific Meeting futureonehealth@slu.se Time to register! The 13th One Health Sweden Scientific annual meeting will take place in Umeå, 10 October 2024. Logotype One
