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Future Food

SLU Future Food focuses on Swedish food production and food in a wide sense, both animal and vegetable products. Several aspects are covered, from soil use and primary production to processing, consumption and residual products.

There are 223 pages tagged with SLU Future Food:

SLU YI: Nominated GYI

After three inspiring and interesting roundtable discussions, one high school student from each campus has now been nominated and invited to participate in the Global Youth Institute in Des Moines,

Nordic conference on co-location of marine industries

Nordic conference on co-location of marine industries aquaculture@slu.se Focusing on offshore renewable energy, fisheries and aquaculture, this conference will highlight the opportunities and

Researcher residency at Philipsonska gården in Strängnäs

Researcher residency at Philipssonska gården Researcher residency – transdisciplinary discussions at Ekenäs futureonehealth@slu.se For the third time, the four Future Platforms invite senior as

Read and reflect

Cross-disciplinary Read & Reflect Circle on hard facts and soft hope futurefood@slu.se Take the opportunity to join this cross-disciplinary read and reflect circle lead by educator and facilitator

Climate Conversation for SLU employees and students

How can we produce food throughout Sweden in the shadow of climate change? futurefood@slu.se We welcome researchers, other staff and students at SLU to this internal webinar within SLU's series of

25 years of research shows: How to restore damaged rainforest

For the first time, results from 25 years of work to rehabilitate fire-damaged and heavily logged rainforest are now being presented. The study fills a knowledge gap about the long-term effects of

listen better for sustainability

Professors Åsa Berggren and Keri Facer work together to develop methods for more democratic communication. The core of their joint project is to improve our ability to truly listen to each other and

SLU at ITD24 in November

The Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity (ITD) was founded in 2019, with a mission to strengthen and promote the global capacity of boundary-crossing research and practice. SLU Urban

Climate Conversations across disciplines

Researchers’ roles, activism, and transformative science are some of the topics discussed in the Climate Conversations at SLU - a webinar series for SLU staff to increase the scientific dialogue

One Health Day 2024

Save the date! One Health Day 2024 futureonehealth@slu.se On 15 October, SLU Future One Health will host a One Health Day event. Are you interested in interdisciplinary research and working methods

Intensive agriculture results in less reliable weed control from seed eaters

To increase crop productivity, agriculture relies on intensive use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. In a new study, researchers show that with intensive agriculture, there is a risk of losing

Diverse crop rotations can give greater cereal yields in a changing climate

The importance of a good crop rotation is known, but analyses of 32 decade-long cropping experiments across Europe and North America have clarified the benefits. One conclusion is that diversifying
