Ask yourself the following:
Is your participation necessary?
- Yes: Before booking travel: Have you considered the best way to prioritise your working hours and SLU’s resources? Will a group of colleagues take part, and is this justified? Can someone who is already on site take part/conduct the task instead of you?
- No: Participate online.
Must you participate in person?
- Yes: Before booking travel: Consider if the trip is worth the environmental impact, cost and time away from the workplace. Why do you need to travel? Are there other ways of exchanging information that do not involve travel? Can you download material from the event or will it be livestreamed?
- No: Participate online.
Is your destination within Sweden?
- Yes: Read before booking travel: In Sweden, travel by train is the first-hand choice. Night trains are available for many routes. Consider the total travel time, including transfers and time at the airport. Compare the costs of different modes of transport.
- Nej: Is your destination within Europe?
- Yes: Read before booking travel: Train travel is an alternative to flying for many European destinations. The time spent travelling can be used for work. For trips that involve stopovers, these can be avoided by travelling part of the journey by train or bus. Discuss options to flying with the travel agency for European destinations. Ensure that your travel is conducted safely. Can you combine your travel with other activities?
- No: Destinations outside of Europe: Read before booking travel: It is unlikely that you will be able to find alternatives to air travel for destinations outside of Europe. Ensure that your travel is conducted safely. Can you combine your travel with other activities?