Nathaniel Nutsugah

Research interest in sustainable animal production and nutrition with focus on poulry and pigs.
Currently research includes
A sudy on litter strategies to reduce ammonia emission and improve welfare in laying hens
A study to generate knowledge on optimal inclusion level of biochar as feed additive in broiler diets with focus on performance, gut micorbiota, immune functions, vitamins utilization, histology, and ammonia emission
A study to generate knowledge regarding the effects of biochar inclusion in chicken feed on the course and outcome of infection as well as host immunity development upon infection with E. tenella (experimental coccidiosis)
Double MSc. Sustainable animal nutrition & feeding and European Animal Management (WUR and Purpan): September 2016-August 2018
Technical advisor in Poultry nutrition, feed formulation , and product development. (Trouw Nutrition and Koudijs Ghana limited) 2018- 2023