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Climate research

Climatology or climate research is the study of climate, scientifically defined as weather conditions averaged over a period of time. This modern field of study is regarded as a branch of the atmospheric sciences and a subfield of physical geography, which is one of the Earth sciences.

There are 196 pages tagged with Climate research:

Fredrik Widemo

ew-red@slu.se Fredrik Widemo is an Associate professor in animal ecology and senior lecturer with extension responsibilities in Wildlife-Forest interactions. Furthermore, Fredrik Widemo is a

Diss Niina Sundin

Sustainability of food waste prevention through food consumption charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Niina Sundin defends her thesis "Sustainability of food waste prevention through food consumption" on

From healthy food to junk food

The northern landscapes are warming twice as fast as the Earth’s average because of climate change. This impacts lake ecosystem functions. Researchers have noticed changes in lake food webs. In many

Climate Conversations across disciplines

Researchers’ roles, activism, and transformative science are some of the topics discussed in the Climate Conversations at SLU - a webinar series for SLU staff to increase the scientific dialogue

Thesis presents unique study on flood mitigation in newly rewetted peatlands

Rewetting some of Sweden's drained peatlands has been touted as a measure to mitigate the effects of extreme weather. But how effective is this? In her doctoral thesis Shirin Karimi at SLU in Umeå

Umeå researcher a finalist for prestigious climate research prize

Researcher Gerard Rocher-Ros in Umeå receives the Swedish nomination for the prestigious Frontiers Planet Prize as one of 23 top sustainability researchers from around the world. This is the second

Hjalmar Laudon

hjalmar.laudon@slu.se My research is primarily directed towards understanding how land-use and climate are influencing water quality from a landscape perspective. I am the scientific director for

Tejshree Tiwari

tejshree.tiwari@slu.se Modelling biogeochemistry in boreal landscapes As a modeller, I am interested in the interconnectivity between biological, chemical and physical processes that govern the

More and happier pathogens in warmer Nordic countries

The majority of all known pathogens to global food production will thrive and reproduce faster in a warmer climate. Such generalizations are, however, not necessarily practically useful. A new report

Earth Hour

Earth Hour is held every year in March with the purpose to bring the world together, shine a spotlight on nature loss and the climate crisis, and to inspire more people to act and advocate for urgent

Nitrogen in the food system: new TABLE Explainer article

Nitrogen plays a dual role in the agri-food system: it is an essential nutrient for all life forms, yet also an environmental pollutant causing a range of environmental and human health impacts. In

Paul Kardol

paul.kardol@slu.se To improve our ecological understanding and to effectively apply our expanding ecological knowledge to contemporary societal issues, such as land use and climate change, fields of
