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Agricultural sciences

Agricultural science include plant production, plant genetics, plant breeding, plant protection, plant pathology, agricultural ecology, agricultural technology and agricultural history.

There are 221 pages tagged with Agricultural science:

Elsa Maria Arrazola Vasquez

elsa.arrazola@slu.se Earthworms I am interested in studying the ecophysiological response of earthworms burrowing activity to environmental stressors, such as soil compaction and soil temperature.

Nathaniel Nutsugah

nathaniel.nutsugah@slu.se Doctoral student at the department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare. SLU Research interest in sustainable animal production and nutrition with focus on poulry and

Diss Louise Malmquist

Water balance in agricultural catchments amidst climate and land use changes in Sweden charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Louise Malmquist defends her thesis "Water balance in agricultural catchments

Vaibhav Shrivastava

vaibhav.shrivastava@slu.se Postdoctoral Researcher | Currently working on Life Cycle Assessment of newly domesticated oil crop in Sweden Vaibhav Shrivastava is a agriculture/soil scientist and

Kristin Persson

kristin.persson@slu.se Senior lecturer, Associate Professor If we know how different environmental factors vary in time and space, and how our crops respond to this variation, we can better adapt

André Rosado

andre.rosado@slu.se André is a University Lecturer at the SLU's Department of Plant Breeding, specializing in global policies and legal frameworks on plant genetic resources and agricultural

Suzie Derminon

suzie.derminon@slu.se I am a researcher in landscape ecology, interested in human-modified landscapes and their effects on communities and ecosystem services. I specialize in spatial data analysis

High-yielding rice that greatly reduces methane emissions has been developed at SLU

Rice is a staple food for half the world's population, but its cultivation leads to significant emissions of the greenhouse gas methane. Now, researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural

Sara González Orenga

sara.gonzalez.orenga@slu.se My research focuses on plant stress responses at the physiological, biochemical, and metabolomic levels. Additionally, I’ve worked on evaluating the effectiveness of

Soil literacy among young people – why does it matter and how can educators deal with it?

markmiljo-webb@slu.se Soil is the foundation of life, yet it is often overlooked in environmental education. As young people become increasingly disconnected from nature, soil literacy provides an

Food and Cities research funding workshop

urbanfutures@slu.se Horizon Europe is a major funder of research in Europe. Soon, a call on Creating Urban Co-Creation Spaces for Sustainable Food (HORIZON-CL6-2025-02-COMMUNITIES-04) will open,

Gene-silencing spray to combat cereal disease is safe for the environment

Great hopes are placed on a new way to combat plant diseases, using RNA to turn off genes that the pathogen needs to initiate the attack. Now, researchers from SLU and the James Hutton Institute have
