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Agricultural sciences

Agricultural science include plant production, plant genetics, plant breeding, plant protection, plant pathology, agricultural ecology, agricultural technology and agricultural history.

There are 206 pages tagged with Agricultural science:

Katarina Arvidsson Segerkvist

katarina.segerkvist@slu.se In my research I focus issues related to rearing, feeding, handling of animals at slaughter, and handling of carcasses and meat and how it affects the final eating quality

Fredrik Widemo

ew-red@slu.se Fredrik Widemo is an Associate professor in animal ecology and senior lecturer with extension responsibilities in Wildlife-Forest interactions. Furthermore, Fredrik Widemo is a

Björn Andersson

ew-red@slu.se I am employed as Field Pathologist at the department. One important task for me in this capacity is to build a functioning interface between research and application to facilitate

Anneli Lundkvist

anneli.lundkvist@slu.se Anneli Lundkvist is an expert on plant production, especially on weed control. Samordnare vid SLU Fältforsk, som är ett kontakt- och samarbetsorgan mellan SLU och externa

Ylva Bellander

ylva.bellander@slu.se I am a PhD-student in the Soil chemistry research group, focused on mass balances of cadmium in agricultural soil. I'm interested in how cadmium moves in the soil-plant system

Cultivar mixtures may reduce aphid problems in the future

Aphids are causing problems for agriculture worldwide and there is a great need to find alternatives to chemical pesticides. Sokha Kheam's thesis shows that it may be possible to reduce infestations

Workshop on plant breeding and methods

lisa.beste@slu.se SLU Grogrund is arranging a workshop on 28 May, 09:30 am – 3:00 pm with a focus on the latest methodology for use in plant breeding such as gene editing, high-throughput

Diverse crop rotations can give greater cereal yields in a changing climate

The importance of a good crop rotation is known, but analyses of 32 decade-long cropping experiments across Europe and North America have clarified the benefits. One conclusion is that diversifying

Constraints and opportunities for organic crop production in areas of high agricultural productivity

Tomorrow, Rafaelle Reumaux will defend her thesis about the diversity of management practices in organic cereal production. We ask her three questions. What is your research about, more specifically?

Mårten Hetta

josefina.zidar@slu.se Researcher in Animal Science (ruminant nutrition). Head of the department and leader of Animal Science section. List of all publications https://publications.slu.se/?file=

A new bacterial consortium can combat economically important wheat disease

A new promising mix of bacteria is identified for managing Fusarium head blight, a disease that cause economical losses worldwide. This biological control method could be a step towards using less

More and happier pathogens in warmer Nordic countries

The majority of all known pathogens to global food production will thrive and reproduce faster in a warmer climate. Such generalizations are, however, not necessarily practically useful. A new report
