Animal science
Animal science includes the anatomy, fysiology, behavoiur, breeding, feeding and management of animals that are under the control of humankind. The animals studied are livestock species and also companion animals like dogs and cats, and many exotic species.
Lise Pinaqui PhD student at the Department of Animal Biosciences, studying leg health in organic pig production. I developed a strong interest early in life for animals and I was naturally
Stephanie De Vos Stephanie De Vos is a researcher in Omics & Bio-IT at the Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare. Stephanie’s research focuses on the genomics of aquatic species,
Katarina Arvidsson Segerkvist In my research I focus issues related to rearing, feeding, handling of animals at slaughter, and handling of carcasses and meat and how it affects the final eating quality
Mårten Hetta Researcher in Animal Science (ruminant nutrition). Head of the department and leader of Animal Science section. List of all publications
Mohammad Ramin I am an animal scientist specializing in ruminant nutrition and environmental emissions, particularly with a focus on dairy cows. My academic background comprises a master's
Bruno Esattore I am a postdoctoral researcher with a background in animal behavior, and a particular focus on cervids. I have worked on several species of cervids, on topics spacing between
Stefan Gunnarsson Senior lecturer in sustainable animal production in large herds, with special responsibility for extension service Doctor of veterinary medicine, PhD, Associate professor,
Gersey Vargas Gersey Vargas is a PhD researcher that is addressing questions related to how horse grazing shapes the insect and plant communities of semi-natural grasslands. He is
Fotis Pappas Doctoral student in Statistical Genetics and Epigenetics The main focal point of my PhD project is linked to identifying possible epigenetic risk factors for decreased fertility
Urban Forests - Survey your moves
Urban Forests: Survey your moves – with focus on urban green spaces How important are urban forests for physical activity and human health? What can we learn from dog owners?
Data from cows forms a new knowledge hub
The Swedish University of Agriculture is participating in a new knowledge hub that will support the digital transformation of Swedish agriculture. SLU contributes expertise, data and experience from
Åsa Ohlsson In my research I mainly focus on the genetic reasons behind heart disease in cats, but I do not limit myself to that. I like to lecture to both students and breeders on the