23 Oct


Urban Forests: Co-producing knowledge on Nature-Based Solutions with municipalities – challenges and opportunities

seminars, workshops |

Welcome to the next webinar in the Urban Forest series, when we are happy to welcome Åsa Ode Sang, Professor of Urban Vegetation Design at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management.

Professor Åsa Ode Sang and her research team conducted interviews with three European municipalities participating in the EU-funded research project REGREEN to explore their role in the co-production of knowledge on Nature-Based Solutions. We will hear some of their findings, challenges and opportunities for future collaborations.

Åsa's research addresses the globally pressing needs to better understand and plan for urban environments, exploring the link between green space quality, perception, preference, use and public health.

Recently she has focused on the role of vegetation composition with regard to perception, use and various ecosystem services via interdisciplinary research collaborations in multiple projects. The long-term goal is to see how the vegetation could be planned, designed and managed to support cities' work with the SDGs and Agenda 2030 for sustainable urban development. 

Learn more about Åsa Ode Sang.


Time: 2023-10-23 15:00 - 16:00
City: Online
Organiser: SLU Urban Futures and Future Forests
Additional info:

Language: English

About this webinar

The webinar series on Urban Forests is arranged by SLU Urban Futures and SLU Future Forests to shed light on various aspects and opportunities for research on forests in urban environments. 

  • The webinar will be recorded. If you don't want to be identified, please turn your camera off and remove your name from your window.
  • Please have your microphone off (when not participating).

Recorded webinars

See the recorded presentations from previous webinars here.


Future Forests
Future Forests is a platform for multidisciplinary forest research, collaboration and research communication, driven by SLU, Umeå University and the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden.

SLU Urban Futures
Among the four SLU Future Platforms SLU Urban Futures has the mission to strengthen sustainable urban development. The platform aims to identify knowledge needs and strives to develop new research questions addressing the challenges of an urbanising planet.
