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Department of Forest Economics

There are 61 pages tagged with Department of Forest Economics:


Eight months in IDA – Where did it take us? futurefood@slu.se During this seminar, the two groups from SLU’s Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) 2023-2024 will present their project outcomes and share

Dissertation Xiao Hu

Transitioning to A Sustainable Society : essays in Environmental and Urban Economics charlotta.bergstrom@slu.se Xiao Hu defends her thesis "Transitioning to A Sustainable Society : essays in

Urban forests: Governance & Management of Urban Forests

Governance & Management of Urban Forests - introducing Nature-based Thinking urbanfutures@slu.se The concept of Nature-based Thinking embodies the perspective of nature with people, rather than

utlysningen IDA3 tillfalle2_eng

The call from the Interdisciplinary Academy – Q&A session and match making futurefood@slu.se Welcome to a lunch webinar about the call for new applicants to the Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) at

Professorial inauguration – lectures

Professorial inauguration – lectures helena.pennlov@slu.se On Friday 19 April professors from Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala will be inaugurated at SLU Ultuna. Illustrations: Fredrik Saarkoppel,

Valuable tree planting can help preserve natural forests in Borneo

By planting indigenous trees into logged forests, Borneo can have valuable timber production without rainforest losses. This is one of the findings in a study where SLU-researchers calculated the

Urban Forests: Giuseppe Scarascia-Mugnozza

Urban Forests webinar: Biocities and Urban Forestscapes urbanfutures@slu.se Welcome to a new webinar in the open Urban Forests series, arranged by SLU Urban Futures and Future Forests. Together

utlysningen IDA3 tillfalle1_eng

The call from the Interdisciplinary Academy – Q&A session and match making futurefood@slu.se Welcome to a lunch webinar about the call for new applicants to the Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) at

Kvinnomaraton - Symposium for women in research

markmiljo-webb@slu.se Are you a female researcher interested in meeting other female researchers to network and discuss common interests? Welcome to The Society of Women Researchers annual event

DT Scenario workshops

Drylands Transform, the project led by SLU in Karamoja region (Uganda and Kenya), has been going on since end of 2020 and is now starting the fourth and last year. In synthesizing, presenting and

DT Philemon

The SLU-led Drylands Transform project is coming to the last phases of the project where a lot of effort is put on analysing information, writing different outputs for different audiences and

DT IGAD Resilience Focus Magazine

The work of Drylands Transform, an SLU led project in the border region of Kenya and Uganda, is now being spread further. In close connection to the project's annual meeting, one of the partners,
