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Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre

There are 159 pages tagged with Southern Swedish Forest Research centre:

Henrik Böhlenius

ew-red@slu.se Henrik Böhlenius is an external collaboration specialist at SLU with poplar plantations as his research area. Henrik has more than 10 years expertise in R & D work in the area of fast

Excursion to Freiburg, Germany

henrik.j.persson@slu.se Join Future Forests’ excursion to Germany for an inspirational knowledge exchange about challenges and opportunities in forestry. What will happen when the weather becomes

Excursion: Time for more fast-growing broadleaves in Dalarna?

stina.johannesson@slu.se Trees For Me invites you to an excursion on regeneration and stand management with a focus on fast-growing broadleaf trees (birch, hybrid aspen and poplar). The excursion

Forest fire ecology and fire impacts on ecosystems and society

PhD course: Forest fire ecology and fire impacts on ecosystems and society dimitris.athanassiadis@slu.se This course will give an overview of the fire ecology in the boreal and temperate forests of

Beech forest excursion

May 21 the Swedish Forest Agency along with Stiftelsen Skånska landskap and SLU, arranged an excursion on the theme of continuous cover forestry in beech forests. Most beech forests in Sweden are

Site preparation, fungi and dormancy mechanism - what affects the birch?

Site preparation seems to benefit birch seedlings, according to Trees For Me’s PhD student Kinga Stolarek who investigates how to facilitate the initial stages of the birch seedling’s life. Kinga

Innovative forestry in Västra Götaland - reduce risks and increase profitability

stina.johannesson@slu.se Arena Skog invites you to a forestry conference with a focus on innovative ideas about how to increase the profitability and reduce the risks in forestry with fast-growing

Stina Johannesson

stina.johannesson@slu.se I work as communications officer for Trees For Me, a centre of excellence focused on fast-growing broadleaf trees for sustainable forestry, materials and energy in Sweden. I

Lukas Graf

lukas.graf@slu.se My research focuses on ungulate forage on multiple spatial scales and the relationships of browing damages to forage availability. Having a background as a forester, hunter and

Urban forests: Governance & Management of Urban Forests

Governance & Management of Urban Forests - introducing Nature-based Thinking urbanfutures@slu.se The concept of Nature-based Thinking embodies the perspective of nature with people, rather than

Report release & seminar: Future Forest's response to the Swedish Forest Agency's external outlook study

Report release & seminar: Future Forest's response to the Swedish Forest Agency's external outlook study henrik.j.persson@slu.se What forestry research is needed in a world where we should be

Thematic course in silviculture: Climate, forest and people

Thematic PhD course in silviculture: Climate, forest and people, 3 ECTS dimitris.athanassiadis@slu.se In this course, we will read, write and discuss the challenges in silviculture for the future,
