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Department of Forest Ecology and Management

There are 146 pages tagged with Department of Forest Ecology and Management:

25 years of research shows: How to restore damaged rainforest

For the first time, results from 25 years of work to rehabilitate fire-damaged and heavily logged rainforest are now being presented. The study fills a knowledge gap about the long-term effects of

Kazi Samiul Islam

samiul.islam@slu.se My research focuses on finding the sources of nitrogen (N) fixation in boreal forests. I want to discover the main contributors to nitrogen inputs and see how they respond to

Annrose Mwangi

annrose.mwangi@slu.se I am a PhD student in soil science under the Restore4More project. My PhD project aims to improve understanding of the plant-soil-water nexus in the rangelands of East Africa

Newly launched Restore4More project seeks to contribute knowledge to guide and scale rangeland restoration in East Africa

The newly launched Restore4More project seeks to contribute knowledge to guide and scale rangeland restoration in East Africa. ”Water and transhumance are often overlooked in restoration research

New genetic discoveries could enhance rainforest restoration

In a recent study, researchers in Borneo explored how climate affects evolution of tropical tree species. The results showed that genetic variation in tree performance was related to the origin of

Thesis presents unique study on flood mitigation in newly rewetted peatlands

Rewetting some of Sweden's drained peatlands has been touted as a measure to mitigate the effects of extreme weather. But how effective is this? In her doctoral thesis Shirin Karimi at SLU in Umeå

Urban forests: Governance & Management of Urban Forests

Governance & Management of Urban Forests - introducing Nature-based Thinking urbanfutures@slu.se The concept of Nature-based Thinking embodies the perspective of nature with people, rather than

Dissertation Shirin Karim

Peatland hydrology in boreal Sweden: Modelling, long-term data analysis, and experimental rewetting charlotta.bergstrom@slu.se Shirin Karim defends her thesis "Peatland hydrology in boreal Sweden:

Umeå researcher a finalist for prestigious climate research prize

Researcher Gerard Rocher-Ros in Umeå receives the Swedish nomination for the prestigious Frontiers Planet Prize as one of 23 top sustainability researchers from around the world. This is the second

utlysningen IDA3 tillfalle2_eng

The call from the Interdisciplinary Academy – Q&A session and match making futurefood@slu.se Welcome to a lunch webinar about the call for new applicants to the Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) at

Learning about CCF: Close-to-nature methods in theory, practice and teaching

Continuous cover forestry, CCF, also referred to as close-to-nature forestry, has become a standard model in many European countries pursuing sustainable forest management. With nearly 25 years of

Professorial inauguration – lectures

Professorial inauguration – lectures helena.pennlov@slu.se On Friday 19 April professors from Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala will be inaugurated at SLU Ultuna. Illustrations: Fredrik Saarkoppel,
