17 Mar


Urban forests for a welfare society: running and the forest ideal in Swedish recreational planning

seminars, workshops |
Portrait of Mattias Qviström

The webinar series on urban forests, arranged by SLU Urban Futures and Future Forests, will continue in 2022. The series shed light on various aspects and opportunities for research on forests in urban environments. The first webinar of the year takes place on March 17, when Mattias Qviström presents urban forests from a welfare society perspective.

This webinar will discuss the role of urban forests for recreational planning in Sweden in the 1960s until today, focusing especially on the welfare planning in the 1970s. Planning for recreational running is used as a lens to uncover the nexus of ideals of recreation and the forest, and how this materialised in the urban landscape. Finally, the presentation discusses the shift from welfare planning (and a decline of recreational planning) in the 1980s – and ways to reassemble a recreational planning today.

Mattias Qviström is professor in Landscape architecture, especially spatial planning, at SLU in Uppsala. His research focuses on the interplay between planning and the everyday landscape, with historical and ethnographic landscape studies as a base. This presentation is based on one of his ongoing projects, called The Welfare Landscape Reassembled.


Time: 2022-03-17 15:00
City: Zoom
Organiser: SLU Urban Futures and Future Forests
Additional info:

About this webinar

  • The webinar will be recorded. If you don't want to be identified, please turn your camera off and remove your name from your window.
  • Please have your microphone off (when not participating).

Upcoming webinars in the series

This event is the first of three webinars in the series on urban forests in the spring of 2022. The next two are:

  • 27 April: Cat Scott (University of Leeds) on quantifying ecosystem services: Distribution of trees on woodland and their contribution to GHG emissions

  • 10 May: Purabi Bose (SLU) on Global South dimensions of urban forests: gender indigenous peoples ’use of forests and traditional knowledge in an urban forest setting

Recorded webinars 2021

See the recorded presentations from the autumn of 2021 here.


Future Forests
Future Forests is a platform for multidisciplinary forest research, collaboration and research communication, driven by SLU, Umeå University and the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden.

SLU Urban Futures
Among the four SLU Future Platforms SLU Urban Futures has the mission to strengthen sustainable urban development. The platform aims to identify knowledge needs and strives to develop new research questions addressing the challenges of an urbanising planet.