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Forest science

Skogsvetenskap är läran om skogen, skogens utnyttjande och skogsråvarans förädling. Skogsvetenskap är således en tillämpad vetenskap med inslag av bland annat botanik, ekologi, geovetenskap, teknik och ekonomi. Här ingår ämnena skogsinventering, skogsplanering, skogsskötsel, skogsproduktion, skogsföryngring, skogshushållning, skogsgenetik, skogsmykologi, skogspatologi, skogsteknologi och skogshistoria.

There are 315 pages tagged with Forest science:

Re-launch of Skogsskada

Re-launch of Skogsskada theres.svensson@slu.se We would like to present the new version of Skogsskada, a web-based tool for reporting and identifying forest damage. After intensive work to rebuild

Webinar: Why are decidious trees in riparian areas good for water quality?

stina.johannesson@slu.se Professor Hjalmar Laudon, SLU, presents the role of deciduous trees and how it stimulates the quality and life in and around streams and lakes. The focus of the webinar

FF workshop animals and forest

The research areas of animal behaviour and forest science are often separated. Therefore, a workshop was held recently, to try and bridge the gap. The goal of the workshop was to foster mutual

Webinar: Navigating the complexity of sustainable energy solutions

stina.johannesson@slu.se The transition to a more sustainable energy production is anything but simple and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Biofuels, electrofuels, hydrogen and battery

Webinar: From poplar to energy - investigating ash-forming elements for optimal thermal fuel conversion

stina.johannesson@slu.se Trees For Me invites you to a webinar on the use of forest biomass, particularly hybrid poplar, as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels in thermochemical conversion

Webinar: Populus - versatile but demanding species

stina.johannesson@slu.se What potential and challenges are there related to growing poplar in different parts of the world? John Stanturf, visiting professor of forest management planning and wood

Göran Ericsson

internkommunikation@slu.se Dean of the Faculty of Forest Sciences. Department Chair and Chaired Professor in Wildlife Ecology. My tenured professorship focuses on three main topics; plant-animal

Urban Forests: Mapping health promoting urban green spaces; why and how?

henrik.j.persson@slu.se Urban Forests seminar with Helena Nordh, professor of landscape architecture at SLU. Urban greenery is essential for fostering health-promoting cities. In this presentation

Emil Bengtsson

emil.bengtsson@slu.se Hi, thanks for stopping by my CV page! I’m an industrial PhD student at the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology. My research focuses on emerging diseases in

Sara González Orenga

sara.gonzalez.orenga@slu.se My research focuses on plant stress responses at the physiological, biochemical, and metabolomic levels. Additionally, I’ve worked on evaluating the effectiveness of

Cedric Åkermark

cedric.akermark@slu.se I research how aquatic biodiversity in forest ecosystems is affected by forest management and climate change. My PhD, part of the Formas-funded project Aquabioex, focuses on

From California to Sweden: A Tale of Wildfire Preparedness and Policy Gaps

The recent wildfires in the Los Angeles area have once again underscored the increasing frequency and severity of forest fires across the globe. To shed light on this critical issue, we spoke with
