Departments and heads

Last changed: 09 July 2024

Find the right contact person in the department.

The head of the department is in charge of personnel, finances, and workplace environment. The positions of head of department and deputy head of department have a term of three years. The heads of department assumed their roles on July 1, 2022.

Department of Ecology *

Heads of Department: Astrid Taylor and Sönke Eggers
Director of Studies: Ida Kollberg and Maria Viketoft

Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology

Head of Department: Mikael Thyrel
Deputy Head of Department: Carola Häggström
Director of Studies: Emanuel Erlandsson

Department of Forest Ecology and Management

Head of Department: Hjalmar Laudon
Deputy Head of Department: Mats Öquist
Director of Studies: Gustaf Egnell

Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology

Head of Department: Totte Niittylä
Deputy Head of Department: Ove Nilsson
Director of Studies: Judith Lundberg-Felten

Department of Soil and Environment *

Head of Department: Johan Stendahl
Deputy Head of Department: Mattias Lundblad

Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology **

Head of Department: Nils Högberg
Deputy Head of Department: Magnus Karlsson
Director of Studies: Malin Elfstrand

Department of Forest Resource Management

Head of Department: Hans Peterson
Deputy Head of Department: Dianne Staal Wästerlund
Director of Studies: Jonas Bohlin

Department of Forest Economics

Head of Department: Camilla Widmark
Deputy Head of Department: Torbjörn Andersson
Director of Studies: The head of the department currently serves as the contact person for undergraduate education.

School for Forest Management

Head of Department: Carina Sándor
Director of Studies: Carina Sándor

Department of Southern Swedish Forest Science

Head of Department: Magnus Löf
Deputy Head of Department: Giulia Attocchi
Director of Studies: Jörg Brunet

Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies

Head of Department: Anders Alanärä
Deputy Head of Department: Anne-Maarit Hekkala
Director of Studies: Therese Löfroth
