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"Skogis" in Umeå

Most of SLU’s Umeå operations can be found at Campus Umeå, which we share with Umeå University and the University Hospital of Umeå. ”Skogis” at Campus Umeå is home to around 400 students, most of whom are studying on the Forest Science programme.

Published: 10 March 2025 - Page editor: infra-webb@slu.se

Skogishuset: Skogsmarksgränd 17. Öppet må-fre 7.00-17.00
Servicecenter innanför entrén plan 3. Öppet må-to 8.00-16.00 och fre 8.00-15.00, tel 018-67 24 00
Godsmottagning: Skogmarksgränd 17. Öppet må-fre 8.00-16.00
