
Faculty Board meeting on 15 September 2020

Published: 17 September 2020

The Faculty Board has now had its first meeting after the summer. Rauni initially stated that this autumn has a number of important topics. The work of developing the faculty's strategy for the next five years is at the final stage. There are a couple of important and strategic recruitments on the table and we need to make a decision about the governmental funding for next year. Rauni also took the opportunity to thank everyone for their great work this spring and the way everyone managed to handle the situation with corona.

Summary from the board meeting on 15 September


The board decided, subject to the vice-chancellor´s approval, to start the process of recruiting a professor of reindeer husbandry. The reindeer herding industry faces major challenges such as climate changes and is at the same time an important industry that is conducted in half of Sweden. Birgitta Åhman will retire within a few years and the appointment is strategically important.


Jimmy Karlsson and Inger Alderborn reported the faculty's finances and presented the half-year numbers for the VH faculty. The result for the first half of the year shows that all institutions except of one have a result that is better than budget. Also for 2020, it is estimated that some of the faculty's departments will have to pay tax on capital.

The strategy process

All faculties and also SLU central are currently reviewing their strategies for the next five years. The development of the faculty's strategy is in progress. Next is the developing of activity plans that is linked to the strategy. The work is expected to be completed by the year's last meeting in December.

The Board of Education

"Agronomprogrammet" will to be replaced by a bachelor's program and a master's program, said Johanna Penell. Start of the bachelor's program will be next year and proposed to be named "Animals and Sustainability". A place on the bachelor's program gives a place for the master's program. For students who want a degree other than an agronomy degree, there are several other master's programs to study at SLU but also at other higher education institutions. Ethology and animal welfare Bachelor's program changes classification from animal science to biology with a focus on ethology and animal welfare

Project AgriFoSe2030

Sofia Boqvist gave a presentation of the project AgriFoSe2030 (Agricultre for food Security 2030). The project is one of the Swedish government's 17 global programs for sustainable development, in which SIDA contributes with SEK 60 million. The goal is to eradicate hunger, achieve a secure food supply, achieve a better diet and promote sustainable agriculture. This is a joint project between SLU and three other Swedish universities.

Gender equality and equal treatment

On November 4th, a teachers' seminar will be held with a focus on gender equality issues. Shorter lectures are mixed with interactive parts and together with colleagues and opportunities to discuss issues. Registration, no later than 27 October .


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, SLU +46(0)18-67 10 00