Carl-Gustaf Thulin

Researcher (Associate Professor) at the Department of Animal Biosciences. Focus on fauna restoration, wildlife management, rewilding and evolutionary genetics.
On grad- and undergrad level at SLU and Uppsala University since 1995.
Mainly four ongoing projects:
"Bringing Bison (Bison bonasus) Back to Sweden" Funding: Skogssällskapet (project leader) More information
“Is the Native Subspecies the Heath Hare (Lepus timidus sylvaticus) Going Extinct?” Funding: SLU, Naturvårdsverket (project leader) More information
"Feralization of horses and their microbiota" Funding: SLU (collaboration with UU and LiU) More information
“Gotland Russ Grazing - A mean to support biodiversity and preserve an endangered regional breed” Funding: WWF & SLU More information
Participated on more than 100 national and international conferences, organised 55 public meetings/conferences, invited speaker 13 times, 10 oral presentations, 16 posters, 40 public presentations. Authored 40 popular science articles, 28 reports, 35 strategic proposals and 20 evaluations. Participated in the public debate with 39 debate articles and several media-appearences (press, radio, TV). On X (Twitter) since 2012 (@CGThulin).
MSc Biology, Uppsala University 1995
PhD Genetics, Uppsala University 1995
Posdoc, University of Tennessee 2001-2002, 2004
Doctor of Science, Uppsala University 2008
Employed by SLU since 2008.
Main supervisor for three graduated PhD students:
- Adriaan de Jong, 2012, SLU
- Pär Söderquist, 2015, SLU/Kristianstad University College
- Pablo Garrido, 2017, SLU
Assistant PhD supervisor for Jonas Malmsten, graduated 2014, SLU
Supervisor for MSc and BSc projects.
Selected publications
Referee Assessed Scientific Journals (10 most recent)
39. Tickle L, Tavaziva VJ, Thulin C-G (2024), Stakeholder perceptions of solutions for sustainable management of the African elephant, Loxodonta africana. Wildlife Biology e01150
38. Andrade P, Alves JM, Pereira P, Rubin C-J, Silva E, Sprehn CG, Enbody E, Afonso S, Faria R, Zhang Y, Bonino N, Duckworth JA, Garreau H, Letnic M, Strive T, Thulin C-G, Queney G, Villafuerte R, Jiggins FM, Ferrand N, Andersson L, Carneiro M (2024). Selection against domestication alleles in introduced rabbit populations. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8, 1543–1555
37. Thulin C-G (2024). Opportunities with wild food in managed ecosystems – A Swedish perspective. Novel Techniques in Nutrition & Food Science (online 2024-02-08)
36. Gunnarsson S, Thulin C-G (2023). Extensive husbandry and animal welfare are important for acceptance of rabbit meat production among Swedish youth. World Rabbit Science 31 (4) (online 2023-12-28)
35. Michell CT, Pohjoismäki JLO, Spong G, Thulin C-G (2022). Mountain- and brown hare genetic polymorphisms to survey local adaptations and conservation status of the heath hare (Lepus timidus sylvaticus, Nilsson 1831). Scientific Data 9, 667 (online)
34. Garrido P, Naumov V, Söderquist L, Jansson A, Thulin C-G (2022). Effects of experimental rewilding on butterflies, bumblebees and grasshoppers. Journal of Insect Conservation 26, 763–771
33. Thulin C-G, Sörhammar M, Bohlin J (2022). Black Stork Back: Species distribution model predictions of potential habitats for black stork (Ciconia nigra) in Sweden. Ornis Svecica 32, 14–25
32. Thulin C-G, Winiger A, Tallian AG, Kindberg J (2021). Hunting harvest data in Sweden indicate precipitous decline in the native mountain hare subspecies Lepus timidus sylvaticus (heath hare). Journal for Nature Conservation 64, 126069
31. Thulin C-G, Röcklinsberg H (2020). Ethical considerations for wildlife reintroductions and rewilding. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 7, 163
30. Garrido P, Edenius L, Mikusiński G, Skarin A, Jansson A, Thulin C-G (2020). Experimental rewilding may restore abandoned wood-pastures if policy allows. Ambio 50 (1), 101-112
Most recent:
Thulin C-G, Ausilio GM, Sannö A, Niklasson M, Kjellander P (2023). Genomförbarhetsanalys av återintroduktion av visent (Bison bonasus) till Sverige. Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, dnr SLU.afb.2023-11 [Eng. A feasibility analysis of reintroducing wisent (Bison bonasus) to Sweden] pdf
Publications list: