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Rural development

Rural development is the process of improving the quality of life and economic well-being of people living in relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas.

There are 81 pages tagged with Rural development:

Water Energy Food Webinar

anni.hoffren@sluse The Nordic-Baltic Sustainable Food Systems Network invites you to a webinar on critical water and energy issues in the green transition of Nordic-Baltic food systems. The webinar

Journey from tree to charcoal illustrates sustainability complexities

The use of African charcoal provides essential income for millions of people. Charcoal also provides a simple and manageable energy source; however, it is also the source for air pollution which

Lennart Edsman

lennart.edsman@slu.se Lennart Edsman is now an external resource at the department but has worked with all aspects of freshwater crayfish including ecology, ethology, zoology, genetics, physiology,

Célina Marie Scülfort

celina.marie.sculfort@slu.se Doctoral Student at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Rural Development; researching on land conflicts and secondary forests in indigenous

Soil health Living Labs

markmiljo-webb@slu.se How can Sweden contribute to creating Living Labs with a focus on soil health to meet regional challenges? Welcome on 24 April to find partners and learn about the EU's Mission

Carl-Gustaf Thulin

carl-gustaf.thulin@slu.se Researcher, Department of Animal Biosciences Researcher (Associate Professor) at the Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry. Focus on evolutionary genetics,

Anneli Adler

anneli.adler@slu.se I am a researcher in plant ecology. My research focuses on innovative methods to increase the long-term sustainability of agroecosystems. One of the methods for increasing the

Geovana Mercado

geovana.mercado@slu.se Researcher, analysing the different organizational structures through which government and citizens relate to nature. I am interested in organisational and policy analysis

Carina Keskitalo

carina.keskitalo@slu.se I work 20% at the Landscape Studies subject area at the Department of Forest Resource Management at SLU Umeå, and have my main employment as Professor of Political Science at

Multiple benefits in locally managed tropical forest commons

Research published in Nature Climate Change, with sites in 15 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, shows that forests where rural and Indigenous peoples have formal control and substantive

Pedro Obregon Santander

pedro.obregon.santander@slu.se PhD student at the Department of Forest Economics. I have a background in Socioeconomics and Environmental Economics.  Originally from Venezuela, I have earned

DT annual meeting

Finally the time came, when the whole Drylands Transform team could meet in real life for the first time during the project that started in 2020. On 7th to 11th of November the second annual meeting
