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Fish and wildlife management

Fish and wildlife management can be improved by animal ecology research. At SLU, the research includes wildlife dynamics connected to feeding, ecological aspects on animal transfers and feeding, interactions between animals and plants, the effects of climate change on animals, humans and ecosystems. In the management hunting and fishing is included.

There are 105 pages tagged with Fish and wildlife management:

Fler åtgärder behövs för att skydda ålen i svenska inlandsvatten

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences has published an updated assessment of the status of the European eel in Swedish waters. While the overall human impacts on eel in Swedish coastal

Adriaan De Jong

Adriaan "Adjan" de Jong adriaan.de.Jong@slu.se My research focuses on migratory birds of boreal landscapes. Focal species are Bean Goose Anser fabalis, Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata and Rustic

Pallavi Ghaskadbi

pallavi.ghaskadbi@slu.se Pallavi is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies at SLU, Umeå with a PhD in Wildlife Science. As an ecologist, her primary

Ciarán Ó Cuív

ciaran.o.cuiv@slu.se Doctoral student at the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies. I am studying the relationship between forage availability and moose forage utilisation in the

Lennart Edsman

lennart.edsman@slu.se Lennart Edsman is now an external resource at the department but has worked with all aspects of freshwater crayfish including ecology, ethology, zoology, genetics, physiology,

Fredrik Widemo

ew-red@slu.se Fredrik Widemo is an Associate professor in animal ecology and senior lecturer with extension responsibilities in Wildlife-Forest interactions. Furthermore, Fredrik Widemo is a

Daniel Bergman

daniel.bergman@slu.se PhD student, Department of Clinical Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2016–2020 Veterinary pathologist, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary

Forskare på SLU kommenterar ICES råd för fisket i Östersjön

On 31 May, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) published its scientific advice for next year's fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea. The Council recommends a continued

Lukas Graf

lukas.graf@slu.se My research focuses on ungulate forage on multiple spatial scales and the relationships of browing damages to forage availability. Having a background as a forester, hunter and

Fler men mindre kräftor i Vättern och Hjälmaren

The number of signal crayfish is increasing in Sweden's largest lakes: Lake Vänern, Lake Vättern, Lake Hjälmaren and Lake Mälaren. But in several of the lakes, the proportion of small crayfish is

Hållbart fiske kräver djupare kunskap om fiskpopulationer

To ensure sustainable fishing we need to know how large the fish populations are, and understand their dynamics. In his thesis, Stefan Skoglund at SLU has developed methods that increase our

Bruno Esattore

bruno.esattore@slu.se I am a postdoctoral researcher with a background in animal behavior, and a particular focus on cervids. I have worked on several species of cervids, on topics spacing between
