Zoology is the branch of biology that relates to the animal kingdom, including zoophysiology, morphology, ornithology and entomology.
Mats Jonsell
mats.jonsell@slu.se I am forest entomologist responsible for extension activities at the forest entomology unit. I do extension, teaching and research about insects, mainly in forests. I work both
Fredrik Widemo
ew-red@slu.se Fredrik Widemo is an Associate professor in animal ecology and senior lecturer with extension responsibilities in Wildlife-Forest interactions. Furthermore, Fredrik Widemo is a
Adriaan De Jong
Adriaan "Adjan" de Jong adriaan.de.Jong@slu.se My research focuses on migratory birds of boreal landscapes. Focal species are Bean Goose Anser fabalis, Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata and Rustic
Pallavi Ghaskadbi
pallavi.ghaskadbi@slu.se Pallavi is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies at SLU, Umeå with a PhD in Wildlife Science. As an ecologist, her primary
Ciarán Ó Cuív
ciaran.o.cuiv@slu.se Doctoral student at the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies. I am studying the relationship between forage availability and moose forage utilisation in the
Lennart Edsman
lennart.edsman@slu.se Lennart Edsman is now an external resource at the department but has worked with all aspects of freshwater crayfish including ecology, ethology, zoology, genetics, physiology,
Lars Sonesten
lars.sonesten@slu.se I am a limnologist and ecotoxicologist working mainly with water chemistry and biology in inland waters. I am also working with the inputs of nutrients and hazardous substances
From healthy food to junk food
The northern landscapes are warming twice as fast as the Earth’s average because of climate change. This impacts lake ecosystem functions. Researchers have noticed changes in lake food webs. In many
Elodie Le Souchu
elodie.le.souchu@slu.se Elodie Le Souchu is a postdoctoral researcher in forest entomology at the Conservation Unit of the Department of Ecology (SLU, Uppsala). She works on insect communities and
Bruno Esattore
bruno.esattore@slu.se I am a postdoctoral researcher with a background in animal behavior, and a particular focus on cervids. I have worked on several species of cervids, on topics spacing between
Örjan Östman
orjan.ostman@slu.se My research interests span spatio-temporal environmental effects on eco-evolutionary dynamics of populations, population structure and distributions, and species interactions in
Rebeka R. Zsoldos
rebeka.zsoldos@slu.se Senior Lecturer and Group Leader of the Animal Environment and Building Function Group at the Department of Biosystems and Technology in Alnarp. Throughout my research career,