During the PhD
Application to hold a PhD course
Should be sent to the faculty using the form below. Completed form may be sent electronically to the Registrator.
Application to hold a PhD course (Link to page with common forms).
- Courses are financially supported by the faculty on a per student basis (61 000 SEK/60 ECTS). New courses also receive a planning support of 50,000 SEK (only once).
- All courses must be advertised at least two months in advance via SLU-kurs. Each department has one or several administrators with access rights to this system.
- PhD students outside SLU must be registered (name, gender, social security number, academic affiliation. and citezenship) by the administrator for PhD studies prior to commencing the course.
- It is advisable to also send out information via the PhD email list.
- To receive planning support at least five (5) students must complete the course. Reimbursement is paid for all students (if at least 50% are registered as PhD students at the Faculty of Forest Sciences), but capped at 30 students. All financial support is requested from the faculty (form) after the course is completed.
- Courses can also be funded via the NOVA University Network. Such courses must be given in collaboration with universities from at least two other Nordic countries. The courses are administered by the participating departments.
- The faculty does not support the basic courses funded by the Council for Graduate Studies (FUR).
- Approved students are registered in LADOK.
- Courses should be evaluated after completion. A simple form to do this can be found here.
PhD studies train you to become an independent researcher in command of the tools used for scientific enquiry and project management. For a more comprehensive overview of graduate studies at SLU and what they entail go here. Each faculty has a PhD council working with a wide range of issues relating to PhD studies (The Forest faculty's PhD council).
The course work contains general and specific courses, including some mandatory courses. Courses are searchable in SLUkurs a minimum of two months before the start date.
Mandatory courses:
1. Philosophy of science/Research ethics (3 ECTS).
-Offered yearly in Umeå and Uppsala, and per request when possible also in Alnarp. Course convener Per Sandin.
2. Statistics. This is inclusive of any statistics taken as an undergraduate. For students already in possesion of statistics, these credits can be allocated to other courses.
-For students admitted to PhD studies between 1 Jan 2010- 31 Dec 2012, the requirement is 15 ECTS.
-For students admitted after 1 Jan, 2013, the statistics requirement has been decreased to 10 (5 for licentiate) ECTS.