Pre-evaluation and thesis
Last changed: 19 May 2016
Theses for PhD students admitted prior to 1 Jan, 2013, are pre-evaluated by the examination committee
(see below in italics).
- 10 weeks prior to a PhD thesis defense and 8 weeks before a Licentiate thesis defense, the draft thesis should be made available to the examination committee.
- 7 weeks prior to the PhD thesis defense and 6 weeks prior to the Licentiate thesis defense the pre-evaluation should be communicated to the respondent (student) by the supervisor.
At the latest 3 weeks before the defense (applies to all):
- The thesis (summary and manuscripts) should be printed template (make sure to contact the publisher in good time) and made public (the thesis must be registered before being made public).
- Two (2) copies of the thesis (one hole punched) must be sent to the Forest Faculty (SLU, 901 83 Umeå).
- ISBN- and ISSN-codes are accrued from the library.
- Opponent and evaluation committee should receive a complete, printed copy of the thesis.
- The defense will be advertised by the faculty.
- Help with press and other communication is provided by our Communications office.
- 4 copies of the thesis should be sent to the library at the campus of the defense. All theses must be published in Epsilon by the respondent.
- After the defense: Send the original protocol from the examination committee meeting to Eva Andersson, Fakulteten för skogsvetenskap, SLU, 901 83 Umeå. A copy is retained by the department. Passed theses (RS95) are registered in Ladok by the department.