
Last changed: 20 October 2023

Directors of graduate studies:
Göran Spong (Umeå)

Petra Fransson (Uppsala)

Graduate study administrators:
Linn Raninen (secretary FUN)
-Matters of Licentiate seminars and Dissertations

Eva Andersson
090-786 8345
-All other matters

Committee of graduate studies
Responsible for graduate studies at the faculty level, overseeing issues relating to common guidelines and regulations, course work, internationalization, exemptions, and more.
Committee; Erik Valinger (chair), Linn Raninen (secretary), Mona Nordström-Högberg (member), Göran Spong (member), Magnus Löf (member), Petra Fransson (member).

Department contacts
Dept. of Forest Biomaterials and Technology; Dan Bergström
Dept. of Ecology*: Erik Öckinger
Dept. of Forest Ecology and Management: Michael Gundale
Dept. of Forest Economics: Camilla Widmark
Dept. of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology: Erling Ögren
Dept. of Forest Mycologi och Plant Pathology*: Anders Dahlberg
Dept. of Forest Products: Mohamad Jebrane
Dept. of Forest Resource Management: Hans Petersson
Dept. of Soil and Environment*: Lisbet Lewan
Dept. of Wildlife, Fish, and Environm. Studies: Navinder Singh & Joris Cromsigt
Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre: Magnus Löf
The School for Forest Management: Grzegorz Mikusinski

* These departments are shared between faculties (S and NJ)
