Doctoral education (NJ faculty)

Last changed: 26 March 2025

Here you can find information about the organization and procedures of doctoral education at the NJ-faculty. You will also find contact information to persons who can give advise and support.

The Faculty Board has the overall responsibility for the scientific quality of doctoral education and that the education is carried out in accordance with approved guidelines. The Faculty Board has delegated a number of issues and decisions related to doctoral education  to the Doctoral Education Committee (Fun-NJ), the Vice Deen for Doctoral Education and in some cases to the head of department, please read more under "Who decides what" below.

For Doctoral Education Subjects, and for rules, guidelines, forms,  etc, please see the staff web or:


Fun-NJ meetings


The Doctoral Education Board at the NJ faculty (Fun-NJ) meets approximately three times per semester. Fun-NJ decides, among other things, on compensation for courses in doctoral education, general study plans (ASP) and members of the research schools' steering committees. In addition to this, Fun prepares matters that are to be decided by the Faculty Board (FN). Matters to be decided by Fun should be submitted to the faculty office at least 3 weeks prior to the decision meeting.

Meeting dates Fun-NJ 2025

04 March

19 May

Fun-NJ:s working committee

Fun-NJ's chair (deputy dean for doctoral education) decides on matters such as admissions, dissertations, credit transfers, change of supervisor, etc. at the working committee's meetings. The faculty study directors and education officers participate in the working committee's meetings.

The faculty office must receive complete matters to be decided before the "Summer Holidays break" no later than 2 June. All matters received after 2 June, will be taken care of after the holidays in August 2025. 

Meeting dates Fun-NJ AU VT 2025:

08 January 

22 January

04 February

24 February

13 March

27 March

08 April

25 April

06 May

21 May

05 June



Who decides what?

Faculty Board
  • Doctoral education subjects
  • Research Schools
Doctoral Education Committee
  • Genereal syllabus for third-cycle programmes
  • Steering committees for Research Schools
  • Coordinators for Research Schools
  • Course Syllabuses (when not arranged by a research school)
Chair of Doctoral Education Committee (Vice Dean, Doctoral Education)
  • Admission
  • Change of supervisors
  • Crediting of courses (completed before admission)
  • Public defence
  • Request for change to new guidelines and/or new doctoral education subjects
Head of Department
  • Course syllabus (when courses doesn't receive compensation from the faculty or research school)

For more detailed information, please see the Swedish version.

Which officer should I contact?

The Chair of the Doctoral Education Committee (FUN-NJ) decides on admissions, dissertations, change in supervisor group, transfer of credits etc.

Send the application to Charlotta Eriksson  


Contact persons at the departments

Department Contactperson
Aquatic resources Magnus Huss
Ecology Adriana Puentes and Sönke Eggers
Economics Gordana Manevska Tasevska
Energy and Technology Åke Nordberg
Molecular Sciences Monika Johansson
Soil and Environment Elisabet Lewan
Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology Karina Clemmensen
Urban and Rural Development Klara Fischer and Ann Grubbström
Aquatic Sciences and Assessment Martyn Futter
Plant Biology Anders Hafrén
Crop Production Ecology Johannes Forkman

Dissertation calendar

Find a suitable date for the public defense (NJ-Faculty) to book in the dissertation calendar:

Time Edit Reserve

Follow the instructions in Time Edit Reserve.

Please observe that you are not allowed to book more than two dates.

Book at the same time room for the public defense in Time Edit Reserve. 

For more information:


Information on prolongation

Different tasks (for example teaching or union work) will make the doctoral student entitled to prolongation of the doctoral study time, please see guidlines for Extension for doctoral students holding elected positions.

If you have any questions about these issues at departmental level, contact your contact person for doctoral education at your department or your head of department.

For information on prolongation at central SLU-level, please contact Lotta Jäderlund.


Do you need someone to talk to?

Sometimes you need to talk to someone who is not situated at your department. You can allways contact the doctoral student ombudsman (counsellor) or Previa for health related issues.


Charlotta Eriksson
Education Officer
Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, SLU
, +46 730 49 48 81

Sabine Sampels
Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, SLU, +46 18-67 20 42

Faculty Director of Studies

Elisabet Lewan, Senior Lecturer
Department of Soil and Environment, 018-672629

Faculty Director of Studies

Robert Glinwood, Researcher
Department of Crop Production Ecology, 018-672342

Vice Dean, Doctoral Education

 Petra Fransson, Researcher at the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, +4618-671864