Funding, calls for proposals and scholarships

Last changed: 18 January 2024
 Hand holding gold coins and a growing sprout. Photo.

Current calls for funding

Here are links to pages with both internal (within SLU) and external funding for research and environmental assessment. The external calls are listed by the Grants Office, and the internal mainly from the Future platforms.


The VH Faculty is responsible for several scholarships available to Bachelor’s and Master’s students, as well as researchers and doctoral students. Some scholarships are also available to graduates. Submit your application via ReachMee. For application instructions, click here.

The VH Faculty offers scholarships for both students and professionals.

Management of scholarships decided by the VH-faculty scholarship committee

Processing scholarships for international travel

The scholarship committee has decided that scholarship payments intended for international travel can be obtained once the booking is complete and the travel dates have been confirmed.

The scholarship committee hopes to be able to allocate funding to as many applications as possible. There may be discrepancies between the scholarships awarded for similar purposes depending on the differences between the assets that can be distributed between the funds.


  • Check the specific requirements for the scholarship you will be applying for.
  • All applications must be personal.
  • If several of you are applying for the same purpose, you will need to submit individual applications – but state who your co-applicants are.
  • Fill in all the information required for each fund.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered


  • All attachments must be in PDF format.
  • Ensure that all required attachments are submitted and legible.
  • If your application involves a degree project, you must submit a certificate from a supervisor or head of the department.
  • Describe what the application is for as well as its purpose, and be as detailed as possible. Submit information regarding which places and people (if available) will be visited. For example, do not just write “visits to farms along the east coast of the USA.”
  • Justify the travel costs. Aim for the cheapest options.
  • Make sure your budget calculation is as detailed as possible (and include information about any other financing, and/or if you have applied for other funding).
  • State the date for the planned activity.
  • If your application involves a degree project, study trip, project work or placement/fieldwork you must submit a signed certificate from a supervisor or head of department (certificate templates are available for each activity).
You cannot apply for scholarships for 
  • Computers
  • Double rent costs.
Undistributed funds

If it has not been possible to distribute funding, the amount in question will be returned to the relevant fund after two years following the scholarship committee’s decision.

Scholarships available to veterinary students

Regimental Veterinarian and Mrs Carl Ahlgren Scholarship Fund

“The scholarship is to be awarded to a diligent student who is studying their 2nd–4th year and who, as part of their veterinary studies at the university, has demonstrated outstanding academic talent and obtained excellent grades.”

The August Carlsson Scholarship

“Funding is to be awarded to a conscientious student of veterinary science at the university who has obtained excellent grades, in particular those who have demonstrated a special interest and knowledge of horse care, welfare and treatment.”

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science Scholarship Fund

On 1 October 1992, the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services agency authorised an amalgamation of the following individual funds: Anderssons, Gustafssons, Heimanns, Modigs, Palms, Schmidts, Tinnerstedts, Vennerholms and Östergötlands veterinärkassors. Funding is distributed in the form of scholarships, including travel scholarships to one or more students of veterinary science. Where applicable, consideration must be paid to the original regulations governing the individual funds. Students who have completed their preclinical studies should be prioritised.

The Elsa Paulsson Foundation Memorial Scholarship

In 2000, the former faculty of veterinary medicine at SLU received a donation from Torbjörn Paulsson from Sollentuna. The faculty board decided – in accordance with the donor’s wishes – that the fund would be used towards degree project scholarships for students of veterinary medicine. The scholarship may only be held for one year and is awarded to one or more students to cover costs incurred in connection with their degree projects (for example, analyses, travel etc.).

Scholarship funds available for teaching staff and researchers

Gymn dir Stina Johanssons i Fränsta Scholarship for research in veterinary medicine

“Awarded in the form of a scholarship for clinical researchers in veterinary medicine in Sweden or at an institution abroad, or as a travel scholarship for a working veterinarian. Researchers of clinical veterinary medicine who have recently begun their studies in a clinical subject are to be prioritised. Priority for the travel scholarship is to be given to veterinary medicine graduates active at the clinical department in Uppsala. Funding will not be awarded for research involving experiments on animals. Applicants who wish to conduct their research at an institution abroad must be Swedish citizens.”

The Gunnar Philipsson Scholarship Fund

“Awarded in the first instance to support scientific research on the study of diseases in horses and sheep. The support shall primarily be paid to a teacher at the veterinary college or otherwise to a Swedish veterinary surgeon the collegiate finds to be qualified.”

The Foundation “In Memory of My Mother, Amanda Personne fund”

Scholarship for research into the treatment and care of sick dogs.

Regimental Veterinarian F. A. Setterbom Scholarship Fund

Awarded every four or five years. Last awarded in 2024.

The scholarship is awarded to a licensed veterinarian “to study diseases and their treatment in cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs, other furred animals and poultry raised for food, for a period of time and in a country determined by the college.”

Linnea and Axel Ericsson Scholarship Fund

“Awarded to support scientific research on diseases in horses and dogs. The scholarship is to be awarded to young researchers at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science who have completed their Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Medicine. It is intended to cover technical assistance, travel, apparatus or materials (animal feed, medicines, x-rays etc.).” The scholarships can be shared.

The scholarship can be obtained in the three-year period from the date it was awarded, on the condition that the scientific work is still ongoing.

Jacobian Scholarship Fund

Awarded every three or four years. Last awarded in 2024.

“The scholarship is a travel grant awarded to a young licensed veterinarian who has graduated with distinction and who, in addition to their theoretical knowledge, has excellent practical skills and is of good character and repute.”

Gustafsson and Whitmore International Dairy Cattle Research Award Fund

The purpose of the fund is to support research projects in the health, reproduction, and diseases of domesticated ruminants.

The main applicant must be an employee at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (VH) at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Research involving dairy cows will be prioritized.

Preference will be given to: 

- research projects involving collaborations between College of Veterinary Medicine at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and SLU


- projects with an emphasis on zoonoses,

- projects that focus on food safety of animal-sourced food from domesticated ruminants.

Proposals must be written in English.

Contact list of researchers at UIUC

Template approval from Head of department 

Olof Claesson Scholarship Fund

The Olof Claesson Scholarship Fund is earmarked for furthering research and doctoral studies focusing on milking and dairy products. Funding is allocated either as scholarships or travel grants for doctoral students or young researchers (those who completed their doctoral studies no later than six years prior to the final application date) at SLU, for research or study visits to Swedish or international education institutions. The scholarships or grants should, if possible, also promote research and development work between SLU and industry.

Application form Olof Claesson Scholarship Fund

Companion Animals Research Fund

Utlysning en gång per år.

”Stiftelsens ändamål är att insamla medel till stöd för den forskning rörande sällskapsdjurens, främst hundars och katters, skador och sjukdomar som bedrivs vid Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.”

2025 utlyses totalt 2 000 000 kronor till forskning kring sällskapsdjurens skador och sjukdomar, främst katter och hundar.

Av ovan medel ska

  • 1 632 590 kronor gå till hund- och/eller kattprojekt,
    267 000 kronor gå till kattforskning efter donation från Siameslinjen (35 000 kr), Mästerkatten (32 000 kr) och Börje Gustafsson och Edith Malmberg-Gustafsson (200 000 kr). De senare medlen ska företrädelsevis gå till urinvägskomplikationer hos kastrerade hankatter av rasen europeisk korthårig,
  • 100 410 kronor gå till forskning kring cancer hos hund. Detta efter donationsgåvor till ändamålet från Ann-Marie Pettersson efter hennes hund Tosca samt Hanna Nilsson, Kennel Blågul efter hunden Nimbus.

Beslut om tilldelning av stipendier fattas av kommittén för tilldelning av medel ur insamlingsstiftelsen sällskapsdjurens forskningsfond vid SLU.

Template approval from Head of department 

Maj Johnson's Fund

Utdelas varje år till och med 2030 i konkurrens till forskare vid fakulteten för veterinärmedicin och husdjursvetenskap som forskar på sjukdomar som drabbar katter, företrädesvis genetiska sjukdomar.

Beslut om tilldelning av stipendier fattas av kommittén för tilldelning av medel ur insamlingsstiftelsen sällskapsdjurens forskningsfond vid SLU.

Template approval from Head of department

Ingeborg Ögren's Fund

Utdelas varje år till och med 2030 i konkurrens till forskare på fakulteten för veterinärmedicin och husdjursvetenskap som forskar på sjukdomar som drabbar hundar. 

Beslut om tilldelning av stipendier fattas av kommittén för tilldelning av medel ur insamlingsstiftelsen sällskapsdjurens forskningsfond vid SLU.

Template approval from Head of department 

Skriftställare Birgitta Carlssons fond

Medel utdelas varje år från och med 2022 och i minst 10 år. Senast 2035 ska alla medel vara utdelade. Medel delas i konkurrens till forskare på fakulteten för veterinärmedicin och husdjursvetenskap som forskar på sjukdomar som drabbar hundar och människor med företräde för collie-rasens sjukdomar och mentalitet.

Beslut om tilldelning av stipendier fattas av kommittén för tilldelning av medel ur Insamlingsstiftelsen sällskapsdjurens forskningsfond vid SLU.

Template approval from Head of department 

VH Faculty scholarship applications

Information for agronomists applying for NJ Faculty scholarships

Guidelines for business travel and meetings

Information about SLU´s travel guidelines.

Personal data and scholarship applications 

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is the data controller for the processing of your personal data.

SLU must process your personal data before awarding a scholarship in order to:

  1. Administer your scholarship application
  2. Assess whether you are eligible for the scholarship
  3. Pay out the scholarships to successful applicants

SLU will also process your personal data as required for SLU to comply with regulations on official documents and public authority archives.

If you have any comments on the way SLU processes personal data, contact the privacy and personal data function via, 018 67 20 90.


Each year, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science advertises scholarships available to students and professionals.

These scholarships are advertised on this website once per year, usually during March.