NJ Faculty scholarships

Last changed: 09 July 2024

Information and scholarship applications from the NJ Faculty.

Applications submitted before or after the application period will not be processed.

How we process your personal data.
Important when applying for NJ Faculty scholarships.

Ivar Insulander’s premium fund

Agricultural science students who have studied at least 60 credits at SLU may apply for this scholarship. The application must state what the scholarship will be used for.

Anshelm Schmidt’s scholarship fund

Agricultural science students who have studied at least 60 credits at SLU may apply for this scholarship. The application must state what the scholarship will be used for.

The Olga and Bertil Birkfeldt memorial fund

This scholarship is available to graduate landscape architects from the previous year (i.e., in the case of the 2022 application period, someone who graduated the academic year 2020–2021).

The scholarship is intended for studies abroad and is given to a newly graduated landscape architect "who has shown the greatest progress within horticultural architecture".

Ulla and Julius Edwardson's scholarship fund

Agricultural science, horticultural science and landscape architecture students who were born and raised in Dalsland or Blekinge can apply for this scholarship.

The scholarship amount is 50 per cent of direct, personal costs of the applicant, with general funding or any grants they have received deducted.

Direct personal costs have been calculated based on student financing agreements. Therefore, the scholarship amounts to 50 per cent of the repayable student finance loan, including child allowance. Period: one year with the possibility of another year following a renewed application.

Further extension is not allowed. It is not allowed to hold this scholarship in combination with other scholarships from the faculty.

Stina and Richard Högberg's scholarship fund

This scholarship is primarily awarded to agricultural science students. Applicants who were born or live in Värmland are prioritised. For an application to be prioritised, a population registration certificate that confirms the place of birth must be attached.

Secondly, the scholarship is awarded as a research scholarship to agronomists. This application must include a plan of the research project in question as well as a detailed cost calculation.

Karin and Gösta Rittner's scholarship fund

Handelsbanken owns and administers the fund. Following a proposal from the NJ Faculty scholarship committee, allocation decisions are made by Handelsbanken on 7 June.

This is a travel scholarship. Applicants must be regular agricultural sciencee students who have studied at least 60 credits at SLU. After the trip has been completed, a travel report must be submitted to the NJ Faculty scholarship committee.

A J Roman's fund

This is a travel scholarship. It is meant for studies concerning the conditions of a specific domestic or foreign agricultural area. Agronomists who have studied at least 120 credits at SLU can apply for this scholarship. Those who intend to study for a higher qualification are prioritised. The last third of the scholarship will be awarded when a travel report has been submitted and subsequently approved by the scholarship committee.

Gustaf Hellsten's fund

Agricultural science students who have studied at least 60 credits at SLU may apply for this scholarship.

Applicants born in Uppland are prioritised. If an applicant requests priority, a population registration certificate is required.

The scholarship can be awarded twice.

The scholarship can be used for course literature relevant to SLU courses. Receipts must be attached to the application.

H Steinmetz's fund

Available 2022.

H Steinmetz fund scholarships are available every other year.
Agricultural science students who were admitted on an even year and who have studied at least 60 credits at SLU may apply for this scholarship. The scholarship may be held for two years.

The scholarship can be used for course literature relevant to SLU courses. Receipts must be attached to the application.

Algot Lagervall's scholarship fund

Agricultural science students who have studied at least 120 credits at SLU may apply for this scholarship.

Period: 1 year. The application must state what the scholarship will be used for.

Birger Platon's scholarship fund

Agricultural science, horticultural science and landscape architecture students who have studied at least 60 credits at SLU may apply for this scholarship. The application must state what the scholarship will be used for.

Nils Lengquist's scholarship fund

Agricultural science and horticultural science students who have studied at least 60 credits at SLU may apply for this travel scholarship. Nils Lengquist's scholarships can be awarded a maximum of two times to the same person and will not be given to someone who holds other scholarships the same year.

Chr. Barthel's scholarship

Agricultural science and horticultural science students who have studied at least 60 credits at SLU may apply for this scholarship. The application must state what the scholarship will be used for.

Knut and Hilma Falk’s donation fund

Agricultural science students who have studied at least 60 credits at SLU may apply for this scholarship. The application must state what the scholarship will be used for.

Research scholarships

The funds are intended for agricultural studies or research. Research scholarships are paid to the recipient's department and are included in the department's project funds. To receive the total project cost, the applicant must themselves find out which fees the department charges for joint costs.

C L Behm's fund for legume cultivation

Note that the application period is 1–31 October 2022.

This fund is for research and trials that aim to further legume cultivation in Sweden. Special attention should be given to opportunities for streamlining nitrogen-fixing symbiosis as well as, through plant breeding and introduction, developing more resilient and better-adapted varieties and species.

Stina and Richard Högberg's scholarship fund

This scholarship is primarily awarded to agricultural science students. Applicants who were born or live in Värmland are prioritised. For an application to be prioritised, a population registration certificate that confirms the place of birth must be attached.

The scholarship is secondly awarded as a research scholarship to agronomists. This application must include a plan of the research project in question as well as a detailed cost calculation.

The BML fund

Available 2022.

This scholarship is awarded every other year to a doctoral student at the Department of Crop Production Ecology to fund herbicide studies.

Erik Månsson’s fund in memory of Lars Folkesson

This scholarship is awarded for research in farm management.

L Nannesson's scholarship fund

This scholarship furthers and supports scientific research and investigations aiming at results that can be applied in practice in farm management, market theory and the agricultural cooperative movement. Applicants must have a Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture. The last quarter of the scholarship will be awarded when a work report has been submitted and subsequently approved by the scholarship committee. The report must be submitted no later than six months after the work has been completed.