Information about the processing of personal datar

Last changed: 27 June 2024

Data controller

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is the data controller for the processing of your personal data. Your contact for this processing is Marie Forsberg,

The data protection officer at SLU can be reached at or by phone at 018-67 20 90.


SLU must process your personal data before awarding a scholarship to:

  1. administrate your scholarship application;
  2. assess your conditions to take part in scholarship based on the regulations in question;
  3. pay a granted scholarship to an authorised citizen.

SLU will also process your personal data as required for SLU to comply with regulations on public documents and the archives of public authorities.

Categories of personal data and sources

For some scholarships, heads of department nominate a recipient at the department in question.

Legal basis

Regarding purpose 1–3, SLU processes your personal data because it is necessary to assess your application and to enter into an agreement on scholarship payments based on the decision to grant a scholarship.

When it comes to processing your personal data in official documents and SLU's archives, the legal basis for this is that it is a task of public interest according to the Archives Act, the Freedom of the Press Act and the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act.


SLU may disclose your personal data to anyone who requests a public document that includes your data, in accordance with the regulations on public documents, unless they are subject to non-disclosure.

Transfer of personal data

SLU will transfer your personal data to the scholarship foundation, as well as to the bank that will transfer the money in question.

Storing data

SLU stores your personal data for two years after receiving your application.

Your personal data will also be stored for as long as required by the Public Access to Information Act and the regulations on the archives of public authorities.

Your rights

You have the right, under certain circumstances, to have your personal data erased, corrected or limited. You also have the right of access to the personal data being processed, and you have the right to object to the processing of your data. To exert your rights, contact the Privacy and Data Protection Function Unit (contact details below).

Withdrawing your consent

Because this processing is based on your consent, you always have the right to withdraw it. However, this means that we will not be able to process your application.


If you have any comments on the processing of personal data at SLU, contact the Privacy and Data Protection Function at, 018-67 20 90.

If you are not happy with the answer provided by SLU, you can take your complaint to the Swedish Data Protection Authority, datainspektionen@datainspektionen.seor 08-657 61 00.

Read more about the Data Protection Authority 


Marie Forsberg
Faculty Secretary
Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, SLU, +46 18 671021