Environment work VH faculty

Here you can read more about the local environmental management work being conducted by the VH faculty.
More details about SLU’s comprehensive environmental work are available under Administrative support – environment. Here you can access SLU’s Environmental Handbook that contains information about the procedures and other documents that apply to all activities and organisations at the university. You can also read SLU’s overall environmental objectives and follow-ups and a wealth of other interesting information.
At SLU Ultuna, we want to minimise the negative environmental impact of business travel and make it easier to cycle to and from work. Read more about SLU Campus Ultuna – the bike-friendly workplace.
Environmental group
Environmental coordinators:
miljosamordnareVH@slu.seChristina Larsson, tel 018-67 20 24
Karin Wallin, tel 0511-671 38
Environmental representatives:
Susanne Gustafsson, HBIO
Astrid Gumucio, THV
Sten-Olof Fredriksson, VHI
Christina Larsson, KV
Mikael Hovberg, KV
Pernilla Skott, KV
Todd Alsing Johansson, KV
Peter Halvarsson, HBIO
Hillevi Lindfelt, VHC Service
Mats Pehrsson, Swedish Livestock Research Centre
Karin Wallin, THV
Anna Svensson, KV
Sofie Liedgren, Röbäcksdalens Dairy Research Facility
Report enviromental matters
If you have any suggestions about how to reduce SLU’s environmental impact – or if you wish to draw attention to something that does not conform to SLU’s procedures – you can submit a report via SLU’s reporting system, IA.
Non-conformities and improvement proposals are important in order to identify what does not work or what can be improved within the operation to fulfil the continual improvement requirement in ISO 14001. Non-conformities are requirements that have not been fulfilled. This applies to requirements at all levels within the operation, i.e. instructions, objectives and policy. For example, a non-conformity can be that an instruction is not followed or that employees do not work according to an adopted policy.
NB: When reporting an environment-related issue, select Environment in under the What? drop-down menu. A second drop-down menu will appear below: Underhändelsetyp [Event] where you can select either Avvikelse [Non-conformity] or Förbättringsförslag [Improvement proposal].
Local envionmental objectives VH
Silage wrap within VH
By the end of 2025, the silage wrap used within VH will be 100 per cent recycled.
Follow-up: This objective began to apply in January 2022, meaning follow-up is not yet possible.
Chemical waste at laboratories within VH
As of 2023 all chemical waste in the laboratories within VH will be sorted correctly.
Follow-up: This objective began to apply in January 2022, meaning follow-up is not yet possible.
Waste sorting within VHC
Reduce the proportion of unsorted and combustible waste and increase the proportion of sorted waste in relation to the total amount of waste within VHC. The long-term goal is for all waste that is recyclable to be sorted.
Follow-up: This objective began to apply in January 2022, meaning follow-up is not yet possible.