Service VHC:
Phone: 018-67 30 20
Hazardous waste must be handled according to special routines. Each department has one person responsible for the handling routines.
The departments are responsible for the hazardous waste to be packed and marked properly.
The packages should also be marked with
- Department
- Name
- Invoice reference
- Phone
- Content
Service VHC is responsible for the transportation to the goods reception and from there it will be collected by contracted handling company, currently Ragn-Sells.
For the waste to be collected, it has to be labelled according to the instructions posted at each collection point.
The procedures for managing hazardous waste are documented in SLU-312 Rutin för hantering av farligt avfall - VHC, which you will find in the VHC environmental guide.
If you have any questions please contact the environmental manager at SLU, se contact information below.
Service VHC:
Phone: 018-67 30 20