BioC Environmental Work

Last changed: 04 July 2024

SLU has a common environmental certificate for all operations. SLU's environmental policy and environmental objectives can be found on SLU's common environmental page. There is also the Environmental Handbook with any local routines that link in the common documents.  


BioCentrum's local environmental goals


BioCentrum's environmental group works with local environmental issues:

Magnus Åberg

Environmental coordinator and contact person for BioCenter

Cecilia Wärdig

Environmental Representative for Plant Biology

Johanna Blomqvist

Environmental representative for Molecular Sciences (on leave of absence)

Henrik Hansson

Responsible for chemicals at Molecular Sciences

Rena Gadjieva Environmental Representative for Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
Albina Bakeeva Environmental Representative for the Biological Exercise Laboratory, BÖL (on leave of absence)
Bettina Müller Director BÖL (replacing Albina)


Contact with the group:

Short education (Nanolearning) on "Recycling and sorting of household waste at SLU" (external link to


Environmental Certificate ISO 14001/2024 - Click Here