Plant Cultivation Facility

Last changed: 26 June 2024

This state-of-the art plant rearing facility offers climate controlled environments for the cultivation of plants and other organisms as well as measuring of leaching from the soil and sampling of soil water, for your research. The facility welcomes bookings both from SLU and other academic and private research institutions.

The facility is operated by the Faculty of Natural resources and Agricultural sciences (NJ-fakulteten) and consists of:

  • 12 climate chambers
  • 17 growth rooms
  • 29 growth cabinets
  • 32 greenhouse compartments
  • outdoor net enclosure
  • lysimeter

Phytotron at BioCentrum

The Climate rooms, Growth rooms and Cabinets offer full climate control and are available with temperatures between -5° C and +35° C and light intensities up to 800 µmol/m2/s. All growth rooms and cabinets are GMO-safe. Taps for nutrient and deionized water in the climate chambers and growth chambers

Greenhouse at BioCentrum

The Greenhouse consists of three compartments with associated planting rooms and areas for vernolazing and cold storage. Greenhouses offer cost-effective growing space with supplementary lighting up to 300 µmol/m2/s.

Greenhouse at Ekologicentrum

There are 3 greenhouses with 14 compartments for growing of plants or insects. The greenhouses offer automatic irrigation with water or nutrient solution.

Net enclosure

The net enclosure is space for growing plants and its covered by net to prevent intrusion by animals. It´s open for booking 35 weeks during season from April to October. 56 squares at 3,5x3,5 meter.


For exampel it can be used for measurement of water leaching from the soil and sampling of soil water.

To measure water leaching and evaporation from the soil and vegetation, or for sampling of soil water and soil gases. Lysimeter facility consists of wells with room for 150 cylinders. Each well is equipped with drainage and ducting connected to an underground building. There, measuring and sampling equipment can be installed.

Bookings from internal users

Book the facilities via an online booking system allowing you to search for available cultivation space that matches your needs. Booking of net enclosure and lysimeter please contact the facility manager.

Make a booking

Bookings from external users

Non-SLU users please contact a facility manager. We are of course also happy to answer questions from internal users.

Technical details


The Phytotron is equipped with Climate chambers, Growth rooms and Growth cabinets. The Climate chambers is the most advanced, thus primarily intended for the most demanding experiments.

BSouth Phytotron unit (B120)

7 Climate chambers (A1‐A7), 2 growth rooms (B1‐B2) and 2 growht cabinets (C1 and C5).

BNorth Phytotron unit (B126)

5 Climate chambers (A8‐A12), 2 growth rooms (B3‐B4) and 5 growth cabinets (C6‐C10).

CNorth Phytotron unit (C124)

11 growth room (B5‐B15), 17 growth cabinets (C11‐C27)

CSouth Phytotron unit (C116)

2 growth rooms (B16-B17)

Climate chambers 5‐10m2 ‐5°C ‐ 35°C ±1̊C 0 ‐ 800 µmol m-2 s-1 40% RH ‐ 85% RH, controlled

Growth rooms 7.3m2 5°C ‐ 30°C, ±3̊C 0 ‐ 250 µmol m-2 s-1

 Growth cabinets 0.6 ‐1.3m2 ‐5°C ‐ +44°C, ±1̊C 0 ‐ 600 µmol m-2 s-1 40% RH ‐ 85% RH

Bio Center greenhouse

3 compartments with 3 tables in each compartment, irrigation at the tables

Vintertime +20°C at -20°C outdoor temperature

Summertime temperature can be hold at 2°C - 4°C over outdoor temperature

Additional light up to 300 m-2 s-1

Humidification (cooling) with nozzle

Ecology Center greenhouse

14 compartments Vintertime +5°C - +25°C

Summertime, depending on outdoor temperature, (there is no cooling system) up to 400 m-2 s-1 50% RH ‐ 80% RH Automatic irrigation with water or nutrient solution


Facility managers

BioCentrum (Climate chambers, Growth chambers, Growth cabinet, Greenhouse)
Fredric Hedlund,, +46 18 67 24 15, +46 72 211 48 82
Ayano Tanaka,, +46 18 67 12 75, +46 73 803 10 67

Ekologicentrum (Greenhouse, Net enclosure)
Helena Bötker, +46 (0)18-67 23 33

Mats Lindé, +46 (0)18-67 12 73, 46 (0)70-972 33 31