SLU news

Upcoming Climate Conversation focuses on creative communication

Published: 24 April 2023
A yellow flower in cracked soil. Photo.

How can research be communicated? And what works best – stories or facts – to stimulate climate action? These are some topics that will be discussed at the next Climate Conversation on April 27th.

When it comes to presenting research, communication plays a central part. But to get the best possible outcome, it is worth considering how results are communicated to and perceived by different stakeholders.

The next Climate Conversation which takes place on Thursday, will have science communication and public perception as its overall theme.

– It is clearer than ever that leveraging climate action is as much about effective science communication as it is the underlying science itself. But as researchers we can also equip ourselves with creative ways to get our message across, which will be in focus in this Climate Conversation, says Paul Egan, researcher at SLU and moderator for the event.


The Zoom-webinar is open for all parties who are interested in this topic. The webinar be held in English, starting at 09.00. It’s free of charge but you have to register in order to get the Zoom-link sent to you.

More information and registration

Previous Climate Conversations

The previous Climate Conversation took place in January with focus on the importance of narratives when addressing the climate crisis and achieving action.

Climate Conversations: Bridging science and policy – from climate doomsday to an agenda of new opportunities

Climate Conversations at SLU


Background and initiators

The ongoing climate change is a complex societal challenge that requires interdisciplinary research. In 2021, SLU’s Future Platforms and SLU Global therefore initiated a series of climate conversation webinars with the background of the IPCC reports, with the aim to increase the scientific conversation about climate change across disciplines at SLU.


Paul Egan, Associate Professor/ Researcher
Department of Plant Protection Biology
Telephone: +46 (0) 40-415162