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News for SLU students

There are 72 pages tagged with Nyheter för SLU:s studenter:

Thesis Day 2024

Thesis Day 2024 was held at Ultuna and Alnarp campuses and included a poster exhibition, oral presentations, an award ceremony, as well as a much appreciated closing ceremony where the students

Corona - Information, advice and FAQ for managers

Below is updated information, FAQ and advice on to handle the corona situation for SLU managers. This page is updated continuously. General information 21 Mars update: Information about

Library services for new students

As an admitted student at SLU, you automatically have a library account, and we offer support and help both on campus and digitally. You are welcome to visit us on our campuses, or online. You can

International symposium at Alnarp about managing public spaces

June 3–5, the subject group Landscape governance and management at SLU organizes an international symposium on management of the public spaces, which is aimed at researchers as well as practitioners.

SLU starts with digital degree certificates

As of 24 April, you can print your degree certificate yourself from Ladok. SLU will no longer be sending out certificates by email. This change is part of a larger national digitalisation effort

Corona - Information, advice and FAQ for employees

Below is updated information for employees and doctoral students about the coronavirus and about working from home, as well as answers to frequent questions. This page is updated continously. Latest

Corona - Information, advice and FAQ for employees

Below is updated information for employees and doctoral students about the coronavirus and about working from home, as well as answers to frequent questions. This page is updated continously. Latest

Student design competition in Umeå is now open

The student design competition arranged by SLU Urban Futures, in co-operation with Umeå municipality, has been launched on Canvas. Students in the field of Landscape Architecture and sustainable

International Student Barometer

The International Student Barometer (ISB) surveys approximately 120 000 students around the world. The latest results see the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) ranking first for

Mobile bike service at Campus Ultuna!

Does your bike need a bit of extra care after the winter? Now a mobile bike service opens up for students and employees at Campus Ultuna so that you can easily get help with the bicycle while you are

Nytt om Nät 2.0

Now it's progressing in two main areas: Planning & Installation and Technical Implementation in the project Network 2.0 For those of you who are curious about what is happening for the Net 2.0

Student design competition in Umeå - opening March 2024

SLU Urban Futures, in co-operation with Umeå municipality, will launch a student design competition in March 2024. Students in the field of Landscape Architecture and sustainable urban development
