Event with guest professors
Three exciting lectures attracted a packed room when VH's guest lecturer gave short speeches to an engaged audience.
Three visiting professors at VH were invited to speak in an event led by vice-dean Dirk-Jan de Koning.
Andrea Doeschl-Wilson was first with her speech "Livestock 2.0 - farmed animals for sustainable agriculture & One Health", Øystein Evensen was next in turn with "Vaccines make fish big" and finally Sara Mangsbo rounded off with "Helping the helpers, how we harness our immune system to target cancer”.
Three exciting and short lectures attracted a packed room and an engaged audience. The event also had participants digitally as it was also broadcast live.
Andrea Doeschl-Wilson and Øystein Evensen are two of KSLA's international visiting professorships – the Wallenberg professorships.
Royal The Forestry and Agricultural Academy's so-called Wallenberg professorships are to connect prominent foreign researchers, who can contribute to the renewal of Swedish science in the green sector, to Swedish universities. They should add new aspects to strong research environments or act as a vitamin injection to build new strategic environments. The green sector is defined in this context as forestry, agriculture and horticulture, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, hunting, and reindeer herding as well as fishing and aquaculture.
Skriftställare Birgitta Carlsson's fund finances Sara Mangsbo's visiting professorship.
By Birgitta Carlsson's will, the funds will go to research and development at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (VH). Diseases that are common to humans and dogs must be prioritized.