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Department of Aquatic Resources

The research of the Department of Aquatic Resources focuses on fish and shellfish in the seas, lakes and rivers. We monitor the aquatic environment, developing the methods and know-how for sustainable use of aquatic resources.

There are 123 pages tagged with Department of Aquatic Resources:

Mitokondrie-DNA avslöjar hur abborren koloniserade Östersjön

Researchers from the Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU) and the Estonian University of Life Sciences have discovered that the Baltic Sea region is a melting pot for perch of different genetic

Dissektionsträff för ål

During week 24, colleagues from the Institute of Coastal Research and Institute of Freshwater Research met at Drottningholm to dissect eels together. The purpose of the meeting was to share

SLU efterlyser fler hummerfiskare i Bohuslän, Halland och Skåne

For the fourth year in a row, researchers at SLU are turning to the public to gain better knowledge of the distribution and status of lobster stocks along the Swedish west coast. For three weeks in

Från Sverige till Kanarieöarna: nya spännande forskarutbyten mellan SLU Aqua och ULPGC

There are currently a number of new and exciting collaborative activities and research exchanges between the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) and SLU Aqua. In the April newsletter you

Forskare på SLU kommenterar ICES råd för fisket i Östersjön

On 31 May, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) published its scientific advice for next year's fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea. The Council recommends a continued

Efter 40 år: ny forskning om vattenkraftens påverkan på reglerade sjöar

Most of the larger lakes in northern Sweden (Norrland) are regulated lakes or power plant reservoirs. They are crucial for Sweden's electricity production, but also heavily influenced by hydropower.

SLU testar trålkamera – för att minska fiskfångsten

By installing a stereo video camera in the trawl, researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences want to reduce the need for trawling in acoustic fish surveys. The technology is now

Latest news from SAMSAS

The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Coordination Group (SAMSAS) plays a central role at SLU Aqua by supporting management in environmental analysis issues and coordinating activities that

Ny funktionsbrevlåda för prefekteriet på SLU Aqua

We are now launching a new email adress for departmental matters at SLU Aqua: aqua-prefekt@slu.se. Use the new email address if you have documents that need a signature from the head of department or

Fler men mindre kräftor i Vättern och Hjälmaren

The number of signal crayfish is increasing in Sweden's largest lakes: Lake Vänern, Lake Vättern, Lake Hjälmaren and Lake Mälaren. But in several of the lakes, the proportion of small crayfish is

Grattis Stefan, SLU Aquas nya doktor!

On Friday, May 3, Stefan Skoglund successfully defended his doctoral thesis "Population regulatory processes in the Baltic salmon (Salmo salar)". Salmon are home-loving. When they go to spawn, they

Hållbart fiske kräver djupare kunskap om fiskpopulationer

To ensure sustainable fishing we need to know how large the fish populations are, and understand their dynamics. In his thesis, Stefan Skoglund at SLU has developed methods that increase our
