Department of Aquatic Resources
The research of the Department of Aquatic Resources focuses on fish and shellfish in the seas, lakes and rivers. We monitor the aquatic environment, developing the methods and know-how for sustainable use of aquatic resources.
Nytt steg mot hållbart skydd av Östersjön med PROTECT BALTIC
Recently the first annual meeting for the transboundary Horizon EU project “PROTECT BALTIC” took place in Helsinki, Finland. The project is coordinated by HELCOM and has 17 partner organisations,
Ny studie avslöjar hur predationstryck och siktdjup påverkar ögonstorleken hos europeiska abborrar
In a new study, researchers reveal how risk of predation, water clarity and fish diet affect the eye size of the European perch (Perca fluviatilis). The study was conducted on over 600 fish from 14
IDA 2024-2025
A third round of SLU Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) will run 2024-2025. Starting in November, participants will during the coming eight months spend 20% of their working time exploring
Klimatförändringens effekter på Mälaren Syftet med dagen är att visa på de utmaningar som klimatförändringen för med sig för ekosystemet och dricksvattenförsörjningen. Vi har gemensam lunch och fika då tid finns
Jasper Croll How do changes in fisheries and temperature affect the number and size of fish in a population? I use dynamics models to explore the effect of anthropogenic and environmental
Fler åtgärder behövs för att skydda ålen i svenska inlandsvatten
The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences has published an updated assessment of the status of the European eel in Swedish waters. While the overall human impacts on eel in Swedish coastal
SLU och Sportfiskarna i nytt samarbete - Storfiskregistret blir forskningsresurs
Through a new collaboration with the Swedish Anglers' Association (Sportfiskarna), the Department of Aquatic Resources at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences has gained access to
Lennart Edsman Lennart Edsman is now an external resource at the department but has worked with all aspects of freshwater crayfish including ecology, ethology, zoology, genetics, physiology,
Congratulations Svea
After a long-planned month at the shipyard in Falkenberg, R/V Svea is now out on an expedition again; newly painted, newly serviced and upgraded with new scientific equipment and an improved IT
Eight months in IDA – Where did it take us? During this seminar, the two groups from SLU’s Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) 2023-2024 will present their project outcomes and share
Mitokondrie-DNA avslöjar hur abborren koloniserade Östersjön
Researchers from the Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU) and the Estonian University of Life Sciences have discovered that the Baltic Sea region is a melting pot for perch of different genetic
Dissektionsträff för ål
During week 24, colleagues from the Institute of Coastal Research and Institute of Freshwater Research met at Drottningholm to dissect eels together. The purpose of the meeting was to share