Lunch room and rest room

Last changed: 06 March 2025

The VHC has a communal staff lunch room that seats around 180 at the top of building 5. This is a place where you can eat your lunch, have a coffee and chat to colleagues from other departments. There is also a lunch room for University Animal Hospital staff in building 6, which seats 38.

Lunch room

The lunch rooms have microwave ovens for heating up your packed lunch, fridges to keep your food in and dishwashing facilities. Crockery and cutlery are also available.

When you have finished eating, put your washing up in the dishwasher. The cleaning staff will unload the dishes for us. The fridges are cleaned approximately once a week.

There are also coffee machines here and water dispensers.

At the ground floor in building 5 and also in building 6 (animal hospital) are there lunch rooms for the students .

Rest room

On the top floor in house 5 there is a room that can be used in case of acute illness. Room number 55532, in the corridor by the westernmost lunch room.

Building 5, top level


Do you want to reserve the area in the lunch room at level 5 for events?

You can book the area close to Yggdrasil in a calendar available at the reception i building 5, level 2.