Service VHC:
Phone: 018-67 30 20
Below is some practical information about how things work that may be helpful for those who work in any of the VHC’s Buildings.
You can read more about the different areas under the headings in the left-hand column.
Service VHC is responsible for many of the shared service functions in the building. Some aspects are managed by SLU’s shared service functions, however, such as cleaning and mail services.
If you have any questions, please contact your colleagues at Service VHC. Here you can also read about what is included in the base services of the house, and what we can help you with concerning addtional services.
The vice-chancellor has decided that the entire university is to be environmentally certified by the end of 2016. Certification will be against the international standard ISO 14001:2004. Now the turn has come to VHC and the work concerning this has been going on for the last year. We are now (June 2016) proud to be certified according to the above standard!
Service VHC:
Phone: 018-67 30 20