Last changed: 06 April 2018

Do you need pratical help? Is there an issue with the furnishings or functions in the house. Please contact intendent in MVM house or Akademiska Hus.

Man and questionmark

Send an email to or talk directly to Mats. You can contact Akademiska Hus on their website Akademiska Hus or call for urgent request on 010-557 24 00.

You need the following

    • Name of Department and the house (Mark Vatten Miljöcentrum, C0004241)
    • Visiting address to the building (Lennart Hjelms väg 9, 75651 Uppsala)
    • Room number (usually on the doorframe)
    • Name and phone number of contact person for reporting




Mats Linde
Intendent at the MVM center (MVM), intendentur, 018-671273