Manuals and e-guides in Proceedo

Last changed: 24 March 2023
 Logotype for the Proceedo system. Snipping.

On this page you will find manuals for ordering and processing invoices in Proceedo and "mini-seminars" on how to process an invoice in Proceedo.

Proceedo manuals

The manuals are electronic and are not suitable for printing.

Click on the icons below to open the associated manual.

Proceedo in three minutes - invoice management

Click on the links (headlines) below and learn to use Proceedo in three minutes!

Invoice processing for reviewers

This film is aimed for Invoice reviewers - that is, those who have made a purchase and received an invoice. In three minutes you will see how to process an invoice in Proceedo.

A red number 3 with Proceedos logo in the background. Beside it, there is a magnifying glass over a white document, which symbolizes an invoice reviewer in Proceedo. Illustration.


Invoice processing for approvers (authorisers)

This film is aimed for Approvers - that is, those who authorise payment of invoices. In three minutes you will see how to process an invoice in Proceedo.

A red number 3 with Proceedos logo in the background. Beside it, there is a green "tick", which symbolizes an approver/authorizer in Proceedo. Illustration.

Mini-manual / quick reference guide on processing invoices in Proceedo

For those of you who want a printed mini-manual beside you when you work, below you find a mini manual / quick reference guide that show you how to perform the most common tasks in Proceedo. For more detailed descriptions, see Manual for reviewing invoices in Proceedo. Note that if you only work with printed manuals, you may lose updates and changes regarding invoice management published after you printed the mini-manual.

Click on the link (headline) below to open a mini-manual for invoice reviewers on processing invoices in Proceedo.


A checklist (a white paper with lines and dots to tick off) with a blue Proceedo logo and a yellow pencil on top of the checklist. Beside it, there is a magnifying glass over a white document, which symbolizes an invoice reviewer in Proceedo. Illustration.
Mini manual for invoice reviewers on processing invoices in Proceedo

The Invoice reviewer is the one who made the order and receives the invoice when it arrive to SLU