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The S Faculty's strategy work

S Faculty strategy 2021-2025

The forest and its resources play a very important role in the transition to a sustainable society. Both intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary methods are required to shed light on the issues that are important to society.

At the faculty, research and environmental monitoring and assessment are conducted at the international forefront , and the education is the backbone of Sweden's competence supply to the forest sector of university-educated staff.

Strategic competence supply is crucial for the faculty to be able to maintain a world-class operation. A very important issue for the faculty is therefore to create clear career paths for younger successful employees in order to provide incentives to choose SLU.

During the strategy period, the Faculty of Forest Sciences will contribute important science-based knowledge, environmental monitoring and assessment and education to the transition to a more sustainable society and contribute to SLU's strategic goals being achieved.


S Faculty's strategy (in Swedish only)

Strategically prioritised areas

SLU’s next step for sustainable development

The faculty intends to strengthen the operational focus on sustainability issues. An increased systems perspective that sheds light on the connection between different ecosystem services in the forest is achieved through internal and interdisciplinary research. In the light of climate change, this work will be particularly important as it contributes to forestry's adaptation to new conditions. The link between research, education and environmental monitoring and assessment must be strengthened.

SLU in the digital society

The faculty will lead important parts of the research needed for a revolutionary digital transformation of the forest sector, where new “digital ecosystems” will support a more efficient forestry that in a more transparent way than today interacts with the surrounding society.

In environmental assessment, SLU and the faculty are at the forefront of digital development. In undergraduate education, new, distance-based teaching methods will be developed, which means that the best teaching competence can be offered regardless of place of study.


The faculty works to strengthen the cohesion within SLU. Employees and students feel participation, trust and commitment, and take joint responsibility for the operations. The opportunities with a decentralised organisation are utilised, and the varying conditions for different activities and places of activity are taken into account.

Continued leading position in forest research

The faculty's goal is to maintain and strengthen SLU's position as the internationally world-leading forest research university by continuing to combine basic and application-oriented research. Pioneering research will contribute to solutions to challenges in the forest sector. Through strengthened collaboration the research results will benefit society.


Read more about the faculties' strategies

Published: 28 October 2022 - Page editor: internkommunikation@slu.se

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