
Film from Drylands Transform activities

Published: 27 January 2023
An african man is filming another man in a farm

One of our collaborating partners in Drylands Transform is the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). Their work on dissemination of project activities is ongoing and has among other things resulted in a film showing the project activities.

Dryland Transform has partnered with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and their Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD) in order to in a collaborative way disseminate research knowledge at cluster, national and regional levels. A site visit was undertaken by IGAD representatives in September 2022 with a goal to document the achievements so far in the project sites in the Karamoja cluster.

From this there is now both a report of the IGAD visit and a film available.

Short version of the film

Long version of the film


Logotype for the project Drylands Transform

Drylands Transform

Drylands Transform is a 4-year research project funded by Formas that started up during the Covid-19 pandemic in October 2020. It includes an interdisciplinary research team representing SLU and seven other universities and international organisations from Sweden, Kenya and Uganda. 

Visit the website for Drylands Transform.