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Department of Soil and Environment

There are 187 pages tagged with Department of Soil and Environment:

One Health Breakfast Club#25

The One Health Breakfast Club #25: Reforestation for ecosystem function, human health, and livelihoods futureonehealth@slu.se Welcome to the One Health Breakfast Club 8 April between 8.00 and 9.00.

Elsa Maria Arrazola Vasquez

elsa.arrazola@slu.se Earthworms I am interested in studying the ecophysiological response of earthworms burrowing activity to environmental stressors, such as soil compaction and soil temperature.

One Health Breakfast Club#24

The One Health Breakfast Club #24: Forest restoration for health & well-being: Evidence from South Asia futureonehealth@slu.se Welcome to the One Health Breakfast Club 11 March between 8.00 and

Workshop with The Baltic Sea Nitrogen Cycle Network (BSNCN)

vattenmiljo-webb@slu.se Welcome to our workshop that aims to increase the participants' knowledge and network about the nitrogen cycle in the Baltic Sea. About the project Rapid climate and

Diss Louise Malmquist

Water balance in agricultural catchments amidst climate and land use changes in Sweden charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Louise Malmquist defends her thesis "Water balance in agricultural catchments

Kristin Persson

kristin.persson@slu.se Senior lecturer, Associate Professor If we know how different environmental factors vary in time and space, and how our crops respond to this variation, we can better adapt

Phasing out fossil fuels in agriculture

Phasing out fossil fuels in agriculture futurefood@slu.se Welcome to a panel discussion that explores the possibilities of phasing out fossil fuels in agriculture. What alternatives exist for

IDA inspirational webinar

The Interdiscliplinary Academy - Inspirational webinar futurefood@slu.se Welcome to an inspirational lunch webinar about the call for new applicants to the Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) at SLU

IDA call webinar 1

The call for the Interdisciplinary Academy – Q&A session and match making futurefood@slu.se Welcome to a lunch webinar about the call for new applicants to the Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) at


markmiljo-webb@slu.se Meeting with the board for postgraduate studies at the Department of Soil and Environment. Marken Uppsala Lisbet Lewan Docent and Director of PhD Studies Department of Soil

Soil literacy among young people – why does it matter and how can educators deal with it?

markmiljo-webb@slu.se Soil is the foundation of life, yet it is often overlooked in environmental education. As young people become increasingly disconnected from nature, soil literacy provides an

PhD-Contact Meeting

markmiljo-webb@slu.se PhD-Contact Meeting with the director of PhD-studies & Björn Lindahl. Biosfären Uppsala Lisbet Lewan Docent and Director of PhD Studies Department of Soil and Environment,
