SLU news

25 million SEK to research projects at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment

Published: 24 February 2020
Sun glitter in a stream, photo.

Five different projects have been granted five million SEK each in the two calls from the Swedish EPA about ecosystem services of wetlands and cumulative effects on the environment.

The Swedish EPA (Naturvårdsverket) has had two directed research calls, one about the ecosystem services of wetlands and one about cumulative effects on the environment. Cumulative effects are here defined as environmental effects caused by several pressures where one or more human activities are involved. The two calls have been in co-operation with Formas and Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, respectively.

Three of the eight funded projects about wetlands and two of the seven funded projects about cumulative effects on the environment have their main applicant at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment. The five projects at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment are funded with five million SEK each, totally 25 million SEK.

The following projects have been funded:

  • Ditch maintenance versus wetland restoration – Effects of mercury in water. The main applicant is Karin Eklöf.
  • Toolkit for wetland's hydrological ecosystem services (WetKit Hydro-ES). The main applicant is Martyn Futter.
  • Evidence based decision support system for the wetland's hydrological ecosystem services (EviWet). The main applicant is Kevin Bishop.
  • Cumulative Effects of climate change and cultural eutrophication on aquatic ecosystems during the Anthropocene (CENTURION). The main applicant is Simon Belle.
  • Improved assessment of climate impact and eutrophication in arctic/alpine lakes (REFINE). The main applicant is Willem Goedkoop.
