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Distinctions and financial funding

Here we present news about distinctions and large financial fundings awarded to SLU.

There are 71 pages tagged with Distinctions and financial funding:

Call for short-term monitoring projects

The SLU Forest Damage Centre announces a call with focus on monitoring of forest damage. The call is for short-term monitoring projects that focus on method development and will be carried out in

Dags för doktorander att söka resebidrag

If you, as a doctoral student, want to travel abroad within the framework of your education, there is now again the possibility to apply for a travel grant for the internationalisation of the

Apply for seed money for fall 2024

SLU Future Forests offers seed money for interdisciplinary forest research and sustainable development. Deadline for fall 2024 application is October 6. Summer’s officially over – it’s time to start

Medals for Distinguished Service awarded to Bill Hansson, Jenny Hedenby and Aida Bargues-Tobella

Each year, SLU awards three Medals for Distinguished Service – the Great Medal, Gold Medal, and Silver Medal. This year’s recipients are Professor Bill Hansson, veterinarian Jenny Hedenby and

Deadline for seed money

henrik.j.persson@slu.se Last day to apply for seed money from SLU Future Forests. Photo: Andreas Palmén October 6 2024 is the deadline for seed money applications to SLU Future Forests. Read more

The SLU Honorary Doctors 2024

This year, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences will be awarding six honorary doctorates. There are two international recipients - Professor Tom Hobbs (US) and Delia Grace Randolph (United

Vahideh Rafiei receives royal award for research on biocontrol of cereal diseases

Vahideh Rafiei has been awarded a prize from King Carl XVI Gustaf's 50-year fund for science, technology and the environment, for her work on biological control of Fusarium species that cause

Petra Marhava receives the SPPS Early Career Prize

The Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society (SPPS) awards Petra Marhava with the SPPS Early Career Prize. The prize recognises her progress and contributions to plant biology over the past few years

SLU researcher awarded for research on the ecological effects of chemical pollution

Michael Bertram, Assistant Professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), is awarded the Royal Skyttean Society’s prize for outstanding young researchers in natural sciences and

Umeå researcher a finalist for prestigious climate research prize

Researcher Gerard Rocher-Ros in Umeå receives the Swedish nomination for the prestigious Frontiers Planet Prize as one of 23 top sustainability researchers from around the world. This is the second

Installation och föreläsningar av nya professorer

On April 19, eleven new professors were inaugurated in a ceremony that took place at SLU’s Uppsala Campus. The ceremony was followed by a banquet and dancing. The professors, who represent all SLU´s

SLU at top four in international ranking by QS

The QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024 has recently been released, revealing the top universities for 55 different subjects across five broad subject areas. The Swedish University of
