CV page

Rebecca Danielsson

Researcher at the department of applied animal science and welfare


Research Interests
Ruminant nutrition: Focus on methane production from dairy cows. Both parameters that can generally affect all cows such as feed and feed additives, but also individual variations in feed utilization as well as the microbial composition in the rumen. 

Research Goal
Identify differences in methane production from cows fed different types of feed and differences between individuals fed the same diet. A further aim is to find out if it could be possible to correlate methane production with some certain species or groups of microorganisms in rumen.

Research Skills
Design, sampling, analysis and interpretation of methane measuring studies, microbial analysis and in vitro experiments.


Ongoing projects:


Can the red algae Asparagopsis taxiformis reduce methane production in dairy cows? Formas 2020-2022

From sea to muzzle - algae reduce methane emission from dairy cows. Swedish farmers’ foundation for agricultural research, 2021-2023

Is it possible to combine high forage consumption with low methane emissions from milk cows? Swedish farmers’ foundation for agricultural research, 2017-2021

Part in projects;

Improved sustainability in dairy production by increased feed efficiency, Pekka Huhtanen SLU; Swedish farmers’ foundation for agricultural research, 2019-2022

Improving pasture utilization by using the natural variation in cows’ grazing behaviour and herbage nutrient content, Horacio Gonda SLU; Ekoforsk, SLU 2020-2022

AlgAIe - Optimization of Algae Cultivation using AI to Significantly Reduce Methane Emission from Cattle, Linnea Lindqvist, Chalmers; Vinnova 2021-2023



Melania Angellotti (2021- )

Annie Hägglund (2024- )

Selected publications

Hessle, A and Danielsson, R. 2024. Cattle population required for favorable conservation status of management-dependent semi-natural grasslands and forests, and associated increase in enteric methane emissions. Journal for Nature Conservation, 126571

Salleh, S.M., Kronqvist, C., Detmann, E., Karlsson, J. and Danielsson, R., 2023. Is it possible to predict the methane emission intensity of Swedish dairy cows from milk spectra?. Smart Agricultural Technology, 5, p.100286.

Ramin, M., Chagas, J.C.C., Pal, Y., Danielsson, R., Fant, P. and Krizsan, S. 2023. Reducing methane production from stored feces of dairy cows by Asparagopsis taxiformis. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, p.1187838.

Krizsan, S.J., Ramin, M., Chagas, J.C., Halmemies-Beauchet-Filleau, A., Singh, A., Schnürer, A. and Danielsson, R. 2023. Effects on rumen microbiome and milk quality of dairy cows fed a grass silage-based diet supplemented with the macroalga Asparagopsis. Frontiers in Animal Science, Front. Anim. Sci. 4:1112969

Salleh, S., Danielsson, R., & Kronqvist, C. 2023. Using machine learning methods to predict dry matter intake from milk mid-infrared spectroscopy data on Swedish dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Research, 1-4.

Karlsson, J., Danielsson, R., Åkerlind, M. and Holtenius, K., 2022. Full-lactation performance of multiparous dairy cows with differing residual feed intake. Plos one, 17(8), p.e0273420.

Cabezas-Garcia, E.H., Danielsson, R., Ramin, M. and Huhtanen, P., 2021. In Vitro Incubations Do Not Reflect In Vivo Differences Based on Ranking of Low and High Methane Emitters in Dairy Cows. Animals, 11(11), p.3112.

Danielsson, R., Lucas, J., Dahlberg, J., Ramin, M., Agenäs, S., Bayat, A.R., Tapio, I., Hammer, T. & Roslin., T. 2019. Compound- and context-dependent effects of antibiotics on greenhouse gas emissions from livestock. Royal Society Open Science, accepted.

Danielsson, R., Dicksved, J., Sun, L., Gonda. H., Müller, B., Schnürer, A. and Bertilsson, J. 2017. Methane production in dairy cows correlates with rumen methanogenic and bacterial community structure. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8,1-15. Doi:

Danielsson, R., Ramin, M., Lund, P., Bertilsson, J. and Huhtanen, P. 2017. Evaluation of a gas in vitro system for predicting methane production in vivo. Journal of Dairy Science, 100: 1-14. DOI:

Danielsson, R., Werner-Omazic, A., Ramin, M., Schnürer, A., Griinari, M., Dicksved, J., & Bertilsson, J. (2014). Effects on enteric methane production and bacterial and archaeal communities by the addition of cashew nut shell extract or glycerol—An in vitro evaluation. Journal of dairy science, 97(9), 5729-5741.

Danielsson, R., Schnürer, A., Arthurson, V., & Bertilsson, J. (2012). Methanogenic population and CH4 production in Swedish dairy cows fed different levels of forage. Applied and environmental microbiology, 78(17), 6172-6179.

Patel, M., Wredle, E., Börjesson, G., Danielsson, R., Iwaasa, A. D., Spörndly, E., & Bertilsson, J. (2011). Enteric methane emissions from dairy cows fed different proportions of highly digestible grass silage. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A-Animal Science, 61(3), 128-136.

PhD Thesis: 

Danielsson 2016. Methane production in dairy cows - impact of feed an rumen microbiota Sveriges lantbruksuniversotet. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae, 1652-6880, 2016:45
