CV page

Abhijeet Singh

My current research deals with the development of modelling and surveillance method for the "Microbiological surveillance of Biogas Plants".


I am a post-doctoral researcher in Molecular Microbiology and Bioinformatics at the Microbial Biotiechnology group, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. Here I am responsible for the further development of our acetogenic community based surveillance of biogas plants. The main of aim of my project is do employ machine learning strategy for the community analysis and prediction of microbiological changes in the complex anaerobic digestion and methanogenic community. 

Moreover, we also want to take a step futher and working on using our surveillance strategy in the environmental monitoring of acetogenic communities in several natural environments.  

The development and maintenance of web-server and database/repository  AcetoBase is one of my tasks at Microbial Biotechnology group. I am also the developer of the analysis pipeline AcetoScan which is the main and most updated semi-supervised analysis method of the acetogenic targetted data analysis for Next Generation Sequencing data of FTHFS gene.


My research interests is a conglomerate of molecular microbiology and bioinformatics in several environmental and sustainbility aspects. Previous research projects I have been a part were related to the clincial microbiology oriented research preceed by the phytopathology avenue. 

Current research projects

  • Anaerobic digestion and microbial community structure in biogas reactors
  • Microbial community changes in primed co-digesters
  • Exploration of novel Syntrophs in state-of-the-art enrichment chemostat
  • Microbiological Surveillance of biogas plants
  • AcetoBase
  • AcetoScan
  • Decoding microbiological diversity at geological interfaces
  • Human gut microbiome


Other/Previous research projects

  • Antibiotics susceptibility testing on chip
  • Phytopathology
  • RNA interference
  • AgriGenomics



Professional experience



  • Stabilizing biogas processes at high ammonia - effects of
    acetate pulse-feeding on the microbial population

Selected publications

  • AcetoBase: a functional gene repository and database for formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase sequences Link
  • High-Throughput Sequencing and Unsupervised Analysis of Formyltetrahydrofolate Synthetase (FTHFS) Gene Amplicons to Estimate Acetogenic Community Structure Link
  • Microbiological Surveillance of Biogas Plants: Targeting Acetogenic Community Link
  • Acetobase: database update and reanalysis of formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase amplicon sequencing data from the anaerobic digesters Link
  • Enrichment and description of novel bacteria performing syntrophic propionate oxidation at high ammonia level Link

Complete list of publication can be found at Google Scholar, ResearchGate



