Work science
Work science deals with safe, healthy and stimulating working environments and good leadership, particularly within the agricultural sector.
Elias Andersson Is a docent in technology with a focus on occupational science and works as a associate professor in forest policy on issues about e.g. gender, gender equality, forest
Maya-Setan Diakité Maya is a postdoctoral researcher working on the valorisation of biomass proteins to make absorbent materials for the hygiene and medical sectors. She has a background in
Carola Häggström How can we improve the forestry work environment? Deputy head of department at the Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology with a broad research interest in
Maria Vilain Rørvang Associate Professor at the Department of Biosystems and Technology, animal group in Alnarp, and at the Department of Animal Environment and Health in Skara. I have a Masters
Ola Lindroos
Ola Lindroos My research topic covers many various aspects of forest operations, with a main focus on evaluations and improvements of new innovations in forest technology. The
Parisa Norouzitallab Epigenetics is the study of reversible changes in gene expression and function that occur without modifications in the DNA sequence. The epigenetic variations that are
Javier Edo Varg Hello! I am Javier Edo Varg but you can call me Javi or Edo or Varg, and I love microbes! @.@ If you want to know more about me and my research, you can follow me on Instagram!
Ten years of gender equality on the agenda
Report launch: 10 years of gender equality on the agenda It is now just over ten years since the national gender equality strategy for the forest sector and its background
Fernanda De Miranda Vasconcelos
I am a PhD student at the department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies, and my research is about how to optimize microalgae and lipids production using community ecology as a tool. My
Susan Nuske
I am an Ecologist interested in investigating species interactions through molecular techniques. I am particularly interested in fungal interactions with other tropic levels (animals and plants) and
Dianne Staal Wästerlund
I am a senior lecturer and teach organisation and leadership as well as ergonomics in the Forest Science programme. My research concerns the development/changes in the private forestry sector in
Gun Lidestav
Profile I have a background in forestry and a great interest in the social and cultural aspects of how we, as individuals and society, look at the forest and its use. Therefore, during my education